Amytis (ah ME tis)

the Garden of Hydossia


Amytis stands as a wonder of the Human world. Amytis is the seat of power for the queendom of Hydossia. This palace sits somewhere in the valleys south of Mahal Peak in the Western Reach of Ethae. While the stories of Amytis being carved out of a mountain, implying it to be as large as a mountain, are exaggerated, the structure is a rock hewn site, carved from a massive single rock formation.


Amytis is the palace home of the Salemona dynasty, the rules of Hydossia. To be more precise, it is home to Queen Rabasa, her daughters, and granddaughters. By tradition, and Hydossia law, men are never allowed within the structure on pain of death. The Salemona women are tended only by female servants within the palace. Outside Amytis is a small village for the soldiers that protect the palace, and the husbands of the servants and daughters within.


According to witnesses that have been inside, the walls are lined with Gold mirrors and gems of every color. Lush green gardens are found throughout. Stratigic mirror beam sunlight in during the day, with inner windowless halls iluminated by Immaru Mushroom. The great central queen's chamber is said to house a garden with surviving flora from the ancient forest Karasaanu itself. The lower chambers, below the ground house a great spring water reservoir filled with minerals from the depths of Aldern that keep the queen eternally youthful.



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