Brimies Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Brimies (BRIM ees)

Brimland Fairy


Ancient by any standard, the Brimad Elder Tree Fairy community was thriving when mankind was new, dwelling naked and free in the shade of Aterleg. The Brimies have lived with their elder tree since the beginning of time and plan to still be there when the last star flickers out of the sky at the end of all. They know of the losses of the other trees and will not allow Brimad to fall whatever cost may come.


These fairies hate other races, especially Human, who they see as the cause of the losses of the elder trees and their fellow fairies. The Brimland is fertilized with the corpses of lost hunters, explorers, and adventurers looking to find Brimad. There is no mercy or sympathy of any beyond their kind. Even Elf have fallen out of favor, being so intertwined with human civilization. Elves at least are given a warning to leave, any other entering their domain rarely know what is happening until it is too late.


The Brimland is enchanted, sculpted and watched over by the Brimies. Their rangers reach far beyond their domain as well, expanding their control and widening the buffer of protection of Brimad. They control the animals of the region, through taming and enchanting, any that can resist are killed or driven off. The fairies are only happy when flying among the leaves and branches of their tree. The feel their patrols and work beyond is forced on them by the outsiders who would take their bliss away. Something that fuels their hatred.


Despite such different ideology, the Brimies get on well with their fairy kin, the Aos si, to the south in elder tree Hamis. The Brimad fairies do not understand why the Hamis fairies allow elves to pilgrim to their tree and allow humans to survive in the land. In turn the Hamis do not understand why there is so much hate in the Brimies hearts. That aside the two communities work together often, learning from each other and sharing information. The Brimies giving the Aos si access to enchantments and traps to make their tree safer, while the Aos si help advance forest care-giving knowledge to their northern family. This united front has factored into the two elder trees survival long after the others have fallen.


Fairy never willingly leave their elder trees domain. That is especially true for the zealot Brimies. Those rare Brimies that have journeyed to the outside world are outcast of their people. This only happens when they have been caught allowing someone to enter their lands or saved the live a human. Brimland fairies do not believe in killing their own kind, so they shun the traitor, and a ritual is preformed severing that fairy's connection to Brimad forever. This banishment is considered worse than death to the fairy. These fairies rarely survive long in the wilderness beyond their homeland. Those that do only do so by attaching themselves to adventuring parties that will protect them. The fairy will usually bond with one of this party, replacing the lost connection with the elder tree. A bond that will stay for live.


Brimies wings have semitranslucent wings with a somewhat ethereal appearance at times. Male's wings are usually universally white, while females may have a bit color within, though very little in ,most cases. These colors grow brighter in the summer and duller during the winter months. Beyond the wings these fairies have slender frames and are considered tall compared to other fairy kind. Their skin tones range from a pale pink to blues and greys. Brimies wear little clothing while they are home in Brimad. When travelling beyond their tree they wear light robes made of spider silk or armor crafted from bark, insect exoskeleton, or shells. This rare armor is enchanted to be as strong as metal armor.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 Dex, +1 Int, +1 Wis


Alignment: Brimland fairy hatred for outsiders push them to more evil alignments.

Age: When living in their native elder tree fairies do not age or die of natural causes. Those that are banished will live only as long as the person they have bonded with live. As such, they often only bond with elves.

Size: (Small) Brimies are a tiny creature, ranging from as small as 3 inches up to around a foot tall.

Speed: 30 flying. Fairy rarely walk, only using their legs for standing or when they have to.

the Shroud: All fairy are protected by an aura that makes them unnoticable by most humans (see the Shroud for details.)

Fairy Magic: Magical creatures, fairy innately can use the Druidcraft cantrip as a natural ability.

Fairy Lights: Beginning at 3rd level, regardless of class, Brimland fairy can cast the Faerie Fire spell. Requiring energy, the fairy will need a long rest before being able to cast it again naturally (Though it is considered a known spell and can be cast as a spell using spell slots if needed.)

the Connected Ones: Beginning at 5th level, Brimland fairy can communicate with the person they have bonded with as if they were casting the 5th level spell Sending. For the fairy this is considered a natural ability and used as if it is a cantrip. This can only be used with the bonded partner and the fairy must always initiate the communication any time it is used.

Fairy Flight: As stated above fairy use their wings as their primary transportation. But this prevents them from wearing medium or heavy armor.


Language: All Fairy, regardless of type or location speak Artadai (High Elvish), with very little dialect changes between region. This is their primary language. Adventuring fairy will learn the common langauge of their bonded friend, usually. Novynesse (the Common Tongue) if human, or Sevi Dai (Elvish Common) if elf.


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