Nod Noch

the Citizens of Noch


Noch was one of the oldest known settlements of Ethae. Believed to exist west of Garden at the beginning of time according to the Urzan Papyrus. Founded by the Canite, the citizens of Noch became known as the Nod Noch. Noch, and its citizens, under the Council of Man, held a lot of sway over the region around their settlement, as far as the Canaab Sea the accounts in the Papyrus.


Most traditions of the Aggelomachy put the Noch as the heart of the war. Its people joining the Nod Noch Nine to start the war, killing any of their citizens who resist. By the end of the Aggelomachy nearly every Nod Noch man, woman, or child, were dead.


After the Aggelomachy

After the war, Noch was as wasteland. Centuries would pass before anything could grow in the land. This pushed few survivors west to lived along the coast of the Canaab Sea. These survivors developed the Neo Noch culture.

Alliance, Cultural

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