Noch Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Noch (NO cha)

the Foundations of Noch


The settlement of Noch, if the Jenuwan Order calculations are correct, was founded in the Randond Period, best guess, somewhere around 4200 pre-sc. Built similar to the Alumite settlement of Aradu with round stonewalled structures with thatched reed and stick roofs. The culture of the settlement is very different, however.


By 3400 pre-sc Noch has grown to a settlement of more than a thousand structures. The original location remains as a cultural center of their fertility cult, with new buildings becoming residence for the population. To accommodate their dense population, the eldest of the village form the 'Council of Man.' The Council is a group of the twenty oldest men and women, and later Aggel, whose duty it is to provide spiritual guidance, advice, and other daily needs to the people. Council controled the region around Noch as far as the Canaab Sea. Their people, known as the Nod Noch, using the land to generate food for the city.


Mentioned in both the Epic of Can and the Urzan Papyrus, the Nod Noch did not believe in the concept of marriage, with "men and women laying with who they pleased." This was celebrated by the tribe in a ritualist fashion. The dwellers around Noch come to believe Alu is a female deity giving birth to the world and all in it, using the name Arith.


By all accounts, it was in Noch that the Aggelomachy begins. By the wars start the Council of Man have become a body entiring consisting of aggels. Tyre and eight others claimed themselves superior and Ilu (god). Many of the Nod Noch already agreeing became fanatic worshippers to these gods among them. Any who resisted, were killed. A host of aggels arrived to put an end to this. This battle between celestial beings resulted in the destruction of Noch.


After the Aggelomachy

Noch would be rebuilt by the Canoheth and their Resh Noch (Noch reborn) culture. At best a guess by scholars this was around 1800 pre-sc. The city wall formed by piles mudbricks made of ash from the war. Its top lined with the skulls of the bodies that remained in the ruins. The internal building of constructed from the bones and scales of fallen Dragon and other monstrous corpses from the Anggelomachy.

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