Garen Tedwell

King of Seely


Garen Tedwell is the king of the mountain kingdom of Seely, in the Areian Peaks on the major continent of Ethae. Though Seely kingship is an elected position, Garen is said to have been born in the role. His father was king before him, as was his grandfather. This gave him the training and cunning to win his election. He has held his throne for the over forty years, with entire generations growing up in Seely knowing no other king.


Garen has become something of a living legend across Tinjir, famous for his frontline fighting against the Orchold around his lands. His forces were devastating to the Orc of the Thorn Horn until of establishment of the Besed Orchold around fifteen years into his reign. The Besed, organized and strong, held against Garen's forces. The Seely king lead several expeditions into the Horn to fight the orcs, often with victories, though they could never hold the territory taken for long.


A begrudged respect developed between both sides. Tthe Besed coming to fear Seely attacks, and the Seely have seen the Besed's code of honor in battle. Garen, himself, recounts an encounter with the Besed, where he and a small force stumbled upon a much larger enemy force. Instead of slaughtering their outmatched foes, the orcs continued on without a fight, saluting their foes as they passed. Garen would later learn that the groups leaders recognized the Seely king and refused to let their famous enemy fall in such a tival way. "The great King Garen must fall in glorious battle, not on a random hillside with random bad luck." He was told. This mutual respect of two enemies has seen something of a treaty between the two nations. Cold Cap stands between the two people and has become something of a border that neither will cross to raid.


Seely, heavily connected to Toemanshire to the east, came to the aid of the nation when it was attack by the orc horde. Garen led several assaults to free the nations, but failed, unable to muster the forces needed for an full war. Surrounded by orc tribes, he felt he had to protect his own lands. This has not meant he hasn't sent his rangers into Toemanshire for hit and runs attack. He has also worked with Duchess Adalinda Camron to help many escape into his realm.



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