Girgungal the Copper Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Girgungal the Copper (gear GUN gal)

the Grandfather of the Mountain


Despite what his name implies, we do not know the color of this ancient Dragon of the Randeny Period, though most modern scholars put him in the category of brass dragon due to claims of fire breathing. Many of oldest Stonefoot Carvings in the Cutting Mountains record this dragon as a guide to the Alumite people at the beginning of recorded time. The oldest tablet of these recordings speak of the dragon having a mate, Ereski the Seventh Sister.


These records tell of the dragon as being a friend to the Araduns. It is he that guide these people out of the Hills of Aradu into the heights of Wat Qu Waten (the Cutting Mountains), to the land of 'strange stone'.


In this new land, called Bad Enman Anna, the Alumite found Copper and began unlocking the strange new rock's secrets with the dragons help. It was there in that valley, on the north side, Girgungal laired with Ereski, and their son Dranugal the Smelter in a large cavern on the side of the mountain.


Around a century prior to the Aggelomachy, Girgungal abandons Ereski, taking a new mate and leaving Bad Enman Anna.


For the most part Girgungal is recorded in a positive light throughout the Carvings, and Dwarf tales of the modern day still revere this dragon's name. Girgungal is one of the few dragons, aside from Ereski, dwarven kind honors as if one of their own ancestors.



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