Katilan Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the Cave Men

The Katilan were an offshoot of the Setite of Enish. Kat and his multiple wives set off into Wat Qu Waten (the Cutting Mountains.) Originally to explore and see what is beyond the mountains. There is no surviving information why the party settled into the mountains rather than continuing on. By 3100 pre-sc, around a century after departing, the group is known to have been living with Dragon in their lairs of the western mountains. Mountains called Katiland in the Epic of Can.

The existing stories do not clarify when others joined them, but a community developed, known to historians as the Katilan. The Katilan people were heavily influenced by the founders, Kat and his wives. The culture was patriarchal, with men leading and taking on multiple wives. Daily life seemed to consist of men traveling out to gather food and commune with each other, while the women stayed in their caves preparing meals and tending to the needs of children. Immaru Mushroom lite these caverns and each housed a community of Katilan and often a dragon. The Katilan seeing the dragon as their mascot, while the dragon considered the people as their pets.


The Katilan people were deviated during the Aggelomachy. Their dragons turing on them, most of the women didn't survive the first years of the war, having been in the cavern lairs. Surviving Katilan fleed south towards the Canaab Sea.

Language: Katilan spoke Enisha, a protolanguage to many of the languages common in Anbar in the modern day.

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