Kenite Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


Followers of Ken


The Kenite, like the Valan, were an offshoot of the Katilan people that dwell in Katiland in early history. According to Merico Islands traditions, a Katilan man named Ken led his people, the Kenite, away from the murderous Dragons of the mountains during the Aggelomachy. At the wars end the group is said to have 'walked across the Canaab Sea' to their new homeland, modern day Merico.


the Katilan, fleeing, found their way to the Canaab Sea coast, where most settled near the sea. It was Ken that led his people across the sea. As the myth goes 'Walking the sea as if on dry land, waters to either side.' Upon arriving on the islands, the Kenite, like their fellow katilan, found caves to settle into and continue their lives away from the world.


Caves on the Mericos were much smaller than those in the Cutting Mountains. In the Cutting Mountains whole communities could once live together. In their new land only single families dwelt as one. Though some dug deeper in the softer mountain rock and soil, many began building rooms at the entrance to the cave.


The Kenite people were forced to shift in this new world. So few Katilan women survived that the practice of multiple wives ended in favor of a single wife for a single man. This never changed as the population grew, despite higher female birth rates. The society retained in patriarchal focus, with men leading the family, hunting and socializing with other Kenite communities around the islands. As in their ancestors' days, Kenite women were expected to stay in the family home at all times. Marriages were arranged through trade. As women were not allowed to socialize outsider her family, a bride and groom would not meet until their wedding day.


As time passed the Kenite of Merico, isolated from other cultures came to see themselves as the only survivors of the Aggelomachy and the last Human of Aldern, Alu's chosen. Each passing generation became more intrenched in this belief. When contact with the outside world began again, the Kenite saw the outsiders as not of them, creatures that looked human, slaughtering and eating them as they would any animal.


By the mid Randagri Period, several tribes of Kenite had moved away from their kins darker ways, leaving the mountain caves and finding Lake Mahuleth. There they encountered the Mahal people of Valan descent dwelling near the lake. This led to many battles as the Kenites hunted the Mahal like food, and the Mahal fighting back.


The Mahal, with their superior weapons, and Minotaur soldiers, pushed this branch of Kenites away from Lake Mahuleth. The survivors moved west, rediscovering the lands of Gir Kur. There, those that were not immediately slaughtered by the Dragon, fell under the influence of the creatures. A cult of dragon worship formed in their ranks.


With the arrival of Gilgurth the Kenites were all but wiped from the world. Water and fire consumed those in the plains east of Lake Hahuleth. Those on Gir Kur vanished without a record of what happened to them, though given what came of the plains Kenites it is assumed they were also washed away by fire and waves. Few survived in the mountains of Merico, but survive they did, once more isolated from the world beyond. This time even more so as the lands around their mountains drowned in the waves of the seas. Merico mountains were new islands.

Language: Kenite spoke Enisha, a protolanguage to many of the languages common in Anbar in the modern day. Some conflicted stories claim the Kenites spoke a language unique to themselves. Others claim being able to understand the Kenites language, that their accents had become so think over time, they were hard to understand.


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