Lake Mahuleth Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Lake Mahuleth (mah hoo LETH)

the Deep of Mahuleth


Lake Mahuleth is mentioned in many ancient texts as a meeting place for the peoples of Enish and the Valan of Craddle Valley. It was described as a great lake, or inland sea, between those two lands, southwest of Wat Qu Waten (the Cutting Mountains), where the low plains of the south meet the hills and mountains of the north. Modern scribes believe it to be below the waves of the seas, swallowed up as sea levels grow over the ages.


Siduumites legends claim the lake's coasts were sites for many battles between the Mahal and the Kenite. Both cultures trying to settle the land around the lake. These rivalries, believed to be during the Randagri Period produced the first Obsidian weapons, created by the Mahal to gain an edge in the fighting.


Lake Mahuleth vanished from the records after the Gilgurth impact. As did the plains that were said to exist to its east. It is common belief that tidal waves washed over the region in the days after the impact, forever drowning the lands under a new sea. It is believed that Lake Mahuleth part of the Sea of the Ten Sisters today.



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