Mahal Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Mahal (MAH all)

Maah Valan


The Mahal people were a branch of the Valan that dwelt in the mountainous south of the Craddle Valley on the west side of Lake Mahuleth. As their northern kin began using Obsidian tool for daily life, the Mahal, in their battles agrainst Kenite developed the material into early weapons.


The Mahal were sometimes referred to in Siduumites texts as the 'Maah Valan.' These people developed a cult around Maah, the Golden Lion. More than once the lion killed a Dragon in their region and the people used the scales and bones of these dragons to construct their villages. Usually, these buildings of dragon parts were built at the mouth of deeper caves for protection.


These people are considered some of the earliest and greatest stone crafters of the ancient world. Many examples of their works have survived through the ages, still intact and displayed in museums and private collections. The famous Lion of Mar is contributed to them as one of the greats wonders of the ancients.


Much of this culture was lost with the Gilgurth impact. While nearly every local culture around them, such as the Kenites were wiped from the world in fire and water, some Mahal survived due to their culture tradition of building their villages at cave mouths. Those on higher ground survived the flooding. Those deep in caves survived the blast waves crossing over their hands.


Cave painting in Mysobia that are believed to date to the time depict images of flaming skies and dark days. Starvation was common in the aftermath. There are some paintings showing the people killing and eating Minotaur. Images that some scholars point to as accounting for the disappearance of the creatures for the region's history after the fact.


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