Mufu the Lord of Skies Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Mufu the Lord of Skies (Moo Foo)

Lord of Lilen


Mufu the Lord of Skies, according to Ancient Siduum legend, was a red Dragon that rose to power in the era when ice covered much of the world during the early Randagri Period. She gained her moniker, Lord of the Sky, due to the legends claiming she was only ever seen in flight, never on the ground or in her lair.


Her powerbase was believed to have been in Katiland, which modern scholars identify as the western Cutting Mountains. Though there is debate on the location, many point to Mount Sintin and its many deep large caverns as a possible location for her lair.


In the Ancient Siduum myths, the dragon slept in her deep lair during the final years of the heavenly war, known as the Aggelomachy. She awoke in what best calculation put at 2100 pre-sc, finding the world covered in ice and glaciers. The dragon created the Sintin Kobold, an army of Kobold minion to serve her and spread her influence beyond her domain.



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