Neo Noch

the Canoheth


According to legends, the Nod Noch peope's homelands had become little more than a blackened land, pocked with craters after the events of the mythical Aggelomachy. Scholars consider it the first Shadowfell of Aldern. It would take centuries before anything could grow in the land once more. As a result the survivors moved to lands that could sustain them. The Neo Noch, sometimes refered to as the Nochan, culture rose out of ths. Calling themselves the Canoheth, they living as fishermen, telling tales of the glory days when Noch ruled the world.


The war may have ended for most, but not these survivors of Noch soon learned it was not over for them. They found themselves hunted by their own creations, the kursudu (Lizardfolk) for generations after.


The lizardfolk were not the only threat to their fledgling new civilization. Neo Noch settlements come into contact with the Naga sometime after their exodus from the ruins of their former lands. Tales of this are the first mention of these creatures in history, with no explanation of where they come from. This encounter is hostile, and the Neo Noch had an ongoing war with the naga throughout the Randagri Period.


Despite being of similar backgrounds, infighting often rose among the people of Neo Noch. Some of this grow out of migrations of other peoples pushed into flourishing lands away from the growing ice. With the threat of the lizardfolk and naga constantly on them the Neo Noch tried to keep these cultural divides from breaking out into bloodshed. A practice of publicly wearing masks to avoid drawing distinctions between people grow out of clay masked used as face protection clawing attack when fighting with the lizardfolk. While originally used only sporadically, the practice eventually became a tradition in the culture with all citizens wearing masks when in public.


The Neo Noch struggled on the verge of extinction with their generational wars against both the lizardfolk and naga. This would eventually push them back into the wastelands of Noch, where the two other races would not venture. There they rediscovered their ancestorial ruins, a waste land of charred bones and ash. Though the struggle with starvation remained, they found themselves safe from the hunters. In was here they built a new town, Resh Noch over the ruins of Noch. Skulls of the dead line the towns outer walls, the bones of Dragon and other creature of the Aggelomachy are used to form the inner buildings. A cult of ancestor worship formed among the people, lead by the Bone Lord, the high priests of the cult.


The Neo Noch surviving in the wastelands of the Aggelomachy inspire many people of the region, disillusioned by the deadly zenith of the era of ice in which they live. Soon the small band of survivors find themselves as the center of a new community. The Awadri tribes of the lands to the east and north are the only peoples to resistant this growning influence. Something that leading to conflicts with the two cultures.


As generations passed, the ancestor worship cult would evolve into veneration of the Nod Noch Nine, Aggoles leaders from the Aggelomachy. The cult and the Bone Lord became the ruling class of the Neo Noch. Through their influence Resh Noch became a regional power, pushing to control the surrounding lands and tribes. Their goal was also to eliminate the non-human beings like the lizardfolk.


The final days of the Neo Noch culture came in the aftermath of the Gilgurth impact. Though this was not from the impact itself, despite the destruction it caused. The Bone Lord and the religious zealots used rituals to harness the shock waves energies of the impact in an attempt to free the Nine from their otherworldly confinement. This failed and the worshippers, along with all the Neo Noch people were consumed in the Magic of this ritual. Ending the culture.

Language: Noch Dai was the primary language of the Canoheth. As the name implies the language is believed to have its roots in the ancient Dai language.

Articles under Neo Noch


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