Umu Dway in Aldern | World Anvil

Umu Dway (DAH way)

the Green Throne


Standing around 20 miles south of Lake Bemused in the forest region known as Pemplum's Labyrinth, little is known of the history of the Umu Tree known as Dway. The seed that would become the tree was from the Elder Tree Brimad, and began growing in the Randeris Period, somewhere around 900 pre-sc. Woyd'are called Umu Dway home prior to the Edian Age. As recorded in a Dwarf Stonefoot Carvings found in southern tunnels of the Cutting Mountains. Beyond this, few records survive.


It is unknown what happened to the Elf community that called Umu Dway home. At some point in history, theorized to be sometime during the late Edian Age or early Areian Age, Pemplum the Potentate claimed the tree and forest surrounding Umu Dway. Unlike the Dragon of Novyum that worked to destroy all the elven trees in later ages, Pemplum protected the tree, establishing it as his throne in his Scaled Court. The tree becoming something of a symbol among the greens of today of their power. The Court's triumvirate meet in Dway when a need arises. This meeting must be agreed upon by all three prior. No dragon may enter Dway otherwise.


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