the Church Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

the Church

the Trijan Faith


The Trijan faith, often simply called 'the Church', is the largest religion of Ethae, if not the entire world of Aldern. As a continent wide institution, it has played an integral role in the history and development of Ethae from its early inception during the Lakorthian Age. Schism developed in the leadership near the beginning of the Novyum Age with a clear distinction between the Novyum church, based out of the city of Lakorth and the Jerain church headquartered in Madden City. While this schism lasted for centuries, and resulted in wars, the divide has healed over the last century, with the two accepting each other's independence. Today the two divisions; Northern Trijan Church and Trijan Church of Jerain, often coordinate and cooperate to unify the faith. A task sometimes easier said than done. While tension still exist in the shadows of leadership of the two divisions, to the faithful both are simply 'the Church.'


The Northern Trijan Church is led by a single leader, the Ponti (Pontiess if female.) The Ponti is aided in guiding the church by his Episcopus Council. The Trijan Church of Jerain, on the other hand, is led by the Council of the Enlightened made up of twelve Presbyter, headed by the High Presbyter and his wife.


Beyond the leadership difference of the northern and southern Churches, the two religious institutions are similar in many way. An archbishop controls a region, with bishops (called presbyters in Jerain) heading the churches and temples in the largest cities of each region. Below them are the priest, heading minor churches or temples, with clerics as the bulk of the religious clergy working in various roles under the bishops and priests.


Both divisions of the Trijan faith have the same core belief and still consider themselves one church in the eyes of God. They are a monotheistic religion that believes in one god, Alu, 'maker of all this is visible and invisible'. Their teachings come from the Sacred Codex a book of gathered text over the centuries of history, prophecy, philosophy, and wisdom. In the faith it is believed that devotion to Alu and to their fellow people will bring salvation and the forgiveness of sin. Trijan teachings emphasize mercy, aiding the ill and poor, and working for the betterment of civilization through a dogma of kindness and honor.

Religious, Organised Religion

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