Pulling Mugs: Ales, Beers, Lagers, Stouts, and Pilsners.

The core ingredients for brewing the infinite varieties of beers grow throughout Mizra'aki, even if the skill to convert those humble hops to drinkable brews may be more rare.   There are a few dozen brews that are bottled and distributed throughout the continent, and hundreds that are only available locally. Most inns or taverns will offer whatever is available in the area for 1-3cp per mug. Here are a baker's dozen of the more notable brews that might also be available.  



Borderland Brown Ale

  Brewed in Yāzo in The Aven Caliphate, which sits on the longest continuous border on the continent, between the Caliphate and the Lōka Matribuni, Borderland Brown is the dominant ale in Avenian lands and found throughout the continent.   Availability: Common | Mug: 3-5cp  

Crow's Ale

  Locally brewed from wheat grown in the hills just east of Debubawi, Diniberi, Crow's Ale is beloved where it's found.   Availability: Rare | Mug: 3-5cp  

Delver's Ale

  This dark, bitter ale is brewed in the river valleys of the Kors of The Camian Duocracy. Distribution usually flows through Crafford down the Axrid River and into the Kizikaze Ocean, making Delver's Ale far more common along the northern coast of Mizra'aki than elsewhere.   Availability: Rare | Mug: 4cp  

Far Iben Amber

  One of the finest ales on the continent, F. I. A. is the only notable beer made in the wine-dominant country of Thuyle. It has a very light taste, almost sweet, and is sometimes mocked as being winebeer.   Availability: Rare | Mug: 5cp  



The Burns

  A true Dwarven beer, thick and hoppy, The Burns also contains highly flammable ingredients that remain less than stable even upon serving.   Availability: Uncommon | Mug: 3-4cp  


  The unmistakable insignia of an owlbear holding a bottle is found throughout the continent, although a bit more rarely in a'Tori nations. It's brewed in and around Korynn in Kylle, and, as its merchants claim, Owlbeer: it's got a wicked bite!   Availability: Common | Mug: 4cp  

The True Faith

  Generically called simply True, these beers are brewed at a series of monasteries in the hills along the Mehali - Aven Caliphate border. They are known for their rich taste, and their easy access.   Availability: Common | Mug: 2-3cp  



Pony Stout

  Brewed according to a secret recipe by several families of Gnomes in Demi, Awira, Pony Stout is known for its deep red color and nutty, almost metallic taste.   Availability: Rare outside of a'Tori nations | Mug: 4cp  

Kema Black

  Distributed out of Markud in Kema, Kema Black is a thick, bitter stout much beloved by sailors and sailor wanna-be's.   Availability: Common | Mug: 2-4cp  

Other Brews


Bothiz Mycobrew

  Brewed from fermented fungus found in the foothills of the Vanahrut Mountains, the Mycobrews are claimed by some to be lightly hallucinogenic. Few can hold enough down to find out, as most of the varieties lie on the rancid side of bitter.   Availability: Rare | Mug: 8cp  

Fallen Star

  Produced in Namz, Hotria, Fallen Star is a dark, dark purple, almost indistinguishable from black. But instead of a stout, it tastes more like a thick, hoppy bock. It's common throughout Lake Sanniyati, and grows more rare as you move away from the lake.   Availability: Uncommon | Mug: 3-4cp  


  Nobody knows where Feyale comes from--surely the rumors of it being a product of The Feywild itself are merely marketing and branding at a high level. There are clear magical ingredients: Feyale changes color somewhat randomly and once in a while instantly evaporates. It is, however, very drinkable and highly intoxicating.   Availability: Very Rare | Mug: 5-12sp  

Honey Mead

  It is very rare to find a branded honey mead, perhaps due to its ubiquity throughout the continent. Sweet and carrying a high alcohol content, it's a favorite for those looking for an alternative to more bitter brews.   Availability: Common | Mug: 2-3cp
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