Vineyards & Winemaking in Mizra'aki

Wine in Mizra'aki is quite dependent on trade routes: most of the continent is too cold for dependable grape growth.   By far the finest vineyards are located along the southeastern coast of Thuyle, but both southern Esmos and the southern end of Kema produce respectable vintages as well.   The less said of most of the bottles from Cyra, the better, and the coastal regions of Wailia and Thasia produce a striking range of quality, from true rot gut to some exceptionally drinkable harvests (note that the quality is similar in those two locales, but bottles from Thasia are usually two to three times as expensive as those from Wailia).   A guide to the wines of Mizra'aki follows, including information on how common each is and an average price point per glass and per bottle. The list is by no means exhaustive.  



Aethyssian Red

  The preferred drink of Myr nobility, Aethyssian Reds are produced on the southwestern coast of Esmos, from Aethysse and all along the western edge of Namma Bay. These wines have a spectrum of tastes, but all are a deep red that glows slightly in the dark, and all are renowned for the hangover they use when drunk to excess.   Availability: Uncommon | Glass: 3-5gp | Bottle: 20-25gp  

Darkberry Wine

  Produced on Cyra in the vineyards that cover most of the land between Dorha and Essile, Darkberry has the advantage of being incredibly quick to mature and fast to produce: there is a ton of it throughout the continent, and if its not very good (although some claim to be entranced by its tangy aftertaste), it is, at least, cheap and plentiful and cries of a bottle of Dark are common throughout the land.   Availability: Rare | Glass: 2-3sp | Bottle: 2-3gp  


  Often claimed to contain a nuanced and elusive flavor, Duskwine is essentially indistinguishable from Wathian Blue in blind taste tests, although refined palates can identify it through its slightly thicker mouthfeel. It is aged for decades in caverns deep beneath showrooms in Gysse, and its grapes are grown in the forest between there and Lein.   Availability: Common | Glass: 3cp | Bottle: 1-2sp  


  The finest wines of Thuyle come from the coastal vineyards that range from Far Iben all the way to the end of the island. These vineyards set the standards for wine: solid, unspectacular, entirely drinkable.   Availability: Common | Glass: 5cp | Bottle: 2-3sp  


  Considered by some to be the finest wines currently being produced, the Malicondëan varieties tend to a golden color and are produced along the western coast of Esmos, especially between Tharion and the coast.   Availability: Very Rare | Glass: 3gp | Bottle: 20gp  


  A light, almost translucent wine pressed in the vineyards of southern Kema, Palefire has a slightly bitter taste, but is drank widely throughout most Slovan countries.   Availability: Common | Glass: 5cp | Bottle: 3sp  


  The handful of vineyards on Priogoie Island, technically part of Thasia, but geographically closer to the Thuyle coast, produce the finest and most sought after bottles of wine on the continent. While some claim they have past their peak, and are now surpassed by those from Malicondëa, most agree that the wines produced there--especially from the early 1200s--are truly spectacular.   Availability: Rare | Glass: 1-3gp | Bottle: 7-20gp  

Syllaenne White

  The largest vineyard in Thuyle sits on the outskirts of Syl and produces the dominant range of table wines on the continent--a bit expensive for tavern fare, but found in most middle class and some aristocratic homes.   Availability: Uncare | Glass: 4-5cp | Bottle: 3sp  

Wathian Blue

  Made from grapes grown on vineyards between Wath and Shazar in Wailia, Wathian Blue gains its name from its color, a pale, almost turquoise, shade of blue.   Availability: Uncommon | Glass: 8cp | Bottle: 4-5sp
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