The Mizra'aki Census

The Populations of Mizra'aki

  { note, the information here is very rough: you try counting all the Gnomes in a region, or the precise number of Halflings. It's a miracle we got something this accurate. Additionally, these numbers are 5 years old at this point: the census is performed once per decade, and there have been population shifts--some quite significant--since then. }  

The New Census

  Results from the new census are just beginning to trickle in for certification. There is a massive change in the current standards as, for the first time, the "minor races" are included, at least in the urban counts.  

The Old Census

  The continent of Mizra'aki holds roughly 18.6M people. Roughly 2/3 of those live outside of urban settlements, the rest in the various cities listed on each country's page. You will begin to see some listings of populations by race, and for those of you that get interested in this sort of thing, you'll want to get familiar with the shorthand used. Here it is, along with the overall breakdown by race on the continent:  
RaceAbbrPopulation (k)Pct.
Dwarves (*)Dw941k5.1%
Gnomes (*)G1,638k8.8%
Half ElvesHe2,104k11.3%
Half OrcsHo1,518k8.2%
  But let's dive a little deeper.   The a'Tori culture claims roughly 3.38M people. It has a higher percentages of Dragonborn (11.4%), Gnomes (10.6%), and Half-Orcs (9%), and far fewer Elves (10.6%) and Tieflings (4.3%), percentage-wise.   The Mehali Kingdom, the largest a'Tori nation, has roughly 750,000 inhabitants. Here's how they breakdown:   Dr: 85k
Dw: 37k
E: 58k
G: 80k
He: 66k
Ho: 65k
H: 128k
Hu: 217k
T: 32k   That is only the start of the story, however. Different races distribute very differently between rural and urban locations. About 3/4 of Half-Orcs live in cities and villages, but you'll only find 1/4 of the Halfling population there. Only Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans are split roughly evenly between the city and the country.   This begins to have more practical application at, for example, the level of an individual town. Let's take Manda, an important, but small (5.5k people) town in Mehali. Here's how Manda's population breaks down according to the census:   Dr: 629
Dw: 273
E: 430
G: 586
He: 485
Ho: 481
H: 943
Hu: 1,600
T: 234  

Fun Facts

  Clearly, the more populous nations have the most people (duh), but there is some variance.   The Aven Caliphate is the most populous state on Mizra'aki, with just under 1.6M people. It has the largest populations of Dwarves and Gnomes (but remember the note above--some estimates place the population of these two races beneath the Vanahrut Mountains at well over 1M combined), as well as Halflings and Humans.   But the Lōka Matribuni has the most Dragonborn and Tieflings, and Olexia has the most Elves and Half-Elves. Glyppe has the largest popultion of Half-Orcs.   At the other end, the tiny nation of Glint--with over 100,000 inhabitants--has the fewest of everything.   This information will be gradually integrated into the Race, Culture, and Country data throughout.


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