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The Sculptor

Plague / Epidemic

17/6 18:00

The Party searches in the Black Fang hills for the Hermit. They discover a cave with an owlbear that is sedated by a strange herb being burned in a brazier,   They discover a cave/workshop artist studio. Inside lives a Halfling named Elias. Beautiful carved statues and art hang from every inch of the cave. He invites them in to discuss why they are traveling this way. They discover his secret and barely escape with their souls and stop the mad plot.

The Party searches in the Black Fang hills in search of the Hermit. They discover a cave with an owlbear that is sedated by a strange herb identified as Sandroot being burned in a brazier,   They travel a bit further and discover a cave/workshop artist studio. Beautiful statues displayed proudly like a museum outside the entrance. Inside lives a Halfling named Elias. He invites them in to discuss why they are traveling this way. Suspicious of his work The Circle of Six probes Elias with questions. When Elias leads them back into this workshop to show them his most resent artwork he fills the cave with gas that knocks out the party.   They awake to find themselves tied to poles and Aela is missing. Aela finds herself limp and motionless when she awakes. Propped up by chains and sticks as Elias fashions a statue that looks just like her on a pedestal with runes carved around its base. With cunning and luck, she escapes from the chains without him noticing and runs to a nearby chest where her weapons are stored. The rest of the party escapes the room where they are held and rushes to the aid of the Paladin. Together they defeat the animated statues that protect Elias from the attackers. Elias escapes through a passage that leads outside the cave, Aela follows. Gilly plays with a panel with many switches and learns the devises that open the doors and release the gas in the cave. After the final Statue is defeated Thuniel rushes in pursuit of Elias outside the cave.   The Party finds 9 statues that match bodies that are in tact including Radomir Sunmeadows son and Ilex the druid. They find some loot and Elias' journal with vague descriptions of his artwork with dates created. Then meet up Thuniel who now has interrogated and captured Elias.   Thuniel discovers the pedestal pulls the souls from the body of the closest living soul and put it into a non living object that is placed on it. It is activated by speaking a phrase. He says the incantation is stored in his desk drawer. He does not revel if it is possible to put the soul back. He says that his Muse comes to him with the piecing of at dagger to his soul and the call from a bone dragon. He learned this craft from a handsome man who had a book that looked like souls were trying to escape from it. It is then Caia grows impatient and tell Thuniel to kill that man. Thuniel does not hesitate and puts and arrow between his eyes.   Alcath makes the connection to the Dagger and Skeletal Dragon are symbols of The Keeper.   Back in the cave Brerenax is trying to destroy the pedestal with not much success. Caia casts Shatter a few times and with a force of will and magical aptitude she successfully cracks the stone and the magic is lost from the pedestal.   The party travels back to Quel and gives the evidence to Mayor Daeris Farvale.

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