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Karen vs Brerenax

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With the aftermath of the revelation of Aelas Family The Circle of Six try to process their feeling about what to do next. Brerenax talks to Queen Peoni and tries to confront Garrus. Gilly is almost abducted by Assasins and the party stop them. Brerenax is accused of crimes and is brought before the King and Ruler of Ethios Hadaronos The Shining Tempest.

With the aftermath of the revelation of Aelas Family The Circle of Six try to process their feeling about what to do next. Brerenax takes some time in private to have a conversation with Queen Peoni. She revels that the Fey are responsible for Garrus becoming ill. He learns to only way to back out of his agreement is the offer something of more or equal value.   Brerenax travels back to The Shepard Estate and attempts to "talk" to Garrus. Garrus is unavailable. Gilly follows him in secret. While he is waiting in the street for another chance Gilly reveals herself and has a heart to heart with Brerenax one it is wise to confront Aelas husband. A trio of assassins take this opportunity attack Gilly collect on the bounty. The rest of the Circle is alerted of the attack and Brerenax fights heroically to stop the attackers until the rest of the party arrives and Gilly is able to slay one of them in the streets. The other two bugbear assassins escape. They discover a "Death Note" contract for the capture of Gilly.   Back at The Wandering Rest the party regroups and a Elven woman named Karen charges in with Veoven Honorfist "Honor" a member of The Silver Corps accusing Brerenax of kidnapping a baby and killing someone in the streets of Ethios, The Minotaur escorts Brerenax back to the Barracks to await a trail and to further investigate the allegations. The Party tells them the actual story of the assassins and "Honor" lets them know it might be a few days before a trail but it sounds like they have a good case.   Meanwhile Aela trying to use her station goes to the Airgead Castle and talk to King King Andran about the misunderstanding. The King is bathing and invites Aela to join him. Politely Aela declines and convinces the King of the urgency of resolving this matter. The Silver King irritability agrees and instructs her to fetch the accused.   With this news The Circle of Six are escorted to a giant chamber. A large pool is circled by large staircases leading to a throne at the top of the 2 story platform. King Andran sits waiting for them a instructs the room he needs to fetch all members of the Judgement seat. Sometime later a Ancient Silver Dragon Hadaronos The Shining Tempest opens the roof of the chamber and ascends into the pool. Shortly after King Andran enters again and takes his seat.   During the trial of Karen vs Brerenax the party is very convincing in the innocence of Brerenax. Both Gilly and Caia testify. Hadaronos is very interested in both these testimonies not only in the story but why Gilly has a bounty on her head and the nature of Caia as a Changeling. The final testimony is Brerenax himself. In his opening statement he insults the Dragon and his city by speaking of the cruelty and disrespect he has received in his city. Hadaronos is at first confused and then increasing gets upset and Brerenax show more and more disrespect to the Ruler. After a brief exchange The Shining Tempest declares that Brerenax will spend three days in solitary confinement to contemplate the disrespect he showed toward the city and gift to his kind of a sanctuary from servitude and slavery. He would do well to consider his place and station. I perhaps learn some gratitude and humility to his superiors. With is no existing tail though is legs Brerenax spends this next three days in jail as the rest of the Circle try and learn more about the "Death Note"   On the final day of Brerenax's time in the cell. Brerenax confides in Alcath and together they decide not to tell the rest of the party about his agreement with the Fey. Later Alcath receives a message for Marwynn Fennick that she has discovered some important information about the journal.

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