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The Daughters of Ukaru

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The party is attacked by a group of Assassins that call themselves The Daughters of Ukaru. Bobushio gets more information about Ukaru and the War.

The trap has worked Bobushio and The Path of Nightshade standing in a empty allyway is attacked by an unseen group of assasins. Bobushio manages to hypnotize most of them with magic so they will stay in place unless someone attacks or wakes them up. The party starts to focus on the remaining assassins that were uneffected by the magic. Gilly nearly gets taken down at the beginning of the fight, but Moz heals and plucks her off the top of the tower. The party desperately fights as a group of 7 women dressed in black wearing white masks to cover there faces. They look identical other than the weapon they are carryings. Gilly steals eight poisoned crossbow bolts with her cutlass. When Thuniel kills one, the mask shatters and falls away and we see one of the 7 identical women who where in the audience of Bobushios performace. One of the remaining assassins says, “Death is failure.”   Moz and Gilly tosses one assassin in the air for Bobushio to punch to death on his way to attack someone else. Moz steals one assassin’s mask and manages to steal her weapon too. Gilly searches a dead assassin and finds stitched in thieves' cant inside her glove, details on the hit on Bobushio, “The Red Devil/Devil King”. There is an additional hit in TC in code, “Hunt for the White Wolf.”   Gilly yells out, “Anyone heard of the White Wolf?” and even the incapacitated ones react a little to that.   Thuniel wakes up another assassin with a couple of shots. Bobushio shoots one in the back and she shouts about Bobushio being the worst person in the world, then dies. One of the assassins tries to run, and Gerrig comes out of the alley and tries and fails to tackle her. He joins the fray to protect Gilly. We tie up and disarm the remaining three assassins. Gilly gets the bolts. Thuniel takes the weapons: long club, long spear, pair of sai, greatsword, nunchucks, chain, double scimitars, all MAGIC!   Gilly wracks her brains and can’t quite think of anything in history that quite matches White Wolf. None of them have any pages of books or anything that could be considered those.   Bobushio starts questioning them. He tries to be very persuasive and convince them to talk. One of them manages to escape from their ropes, but we confound and recapture the escapee with a barrel, entangling vines, thorn whip, and a timely tackle. Gilly engages in a little light torture (Uncle Trigger would be proud).   Bobushio looking in the the mind of the bound assaassin and learns in the midst of a tirade of verbal abuse they launch at Bobushio. “White Wolf is the code name of the one we must seek out after you.” The assassins don’t know anything about the person, thing, animal, or what the White Wolf is. Their next job is to find the White Wolf, not necessarily kill them. Gilly gleans that the White Wolf is whatever Ukaru is scared of. We know that the chapter contains information about Ukaru’s weakness, so the White Wolf is revealed in that chapter. They sing praises of Ukaru as the savior and the best ever.   Bobushio tries to use Suggestion to get them to think that he is Ukaru during a post-mission debrief. One of them prostrates herself before Bobushio, but the other two try to talk sense into her. Gilly busts out a love potion to give to Bobushio to administer to an assassin. She instinctively wants to reject the emotions. Gilly senses this is the first time they have left wherever they were. A bird flies down and lands nearby and the assassin says “that bird is going to destroy all people because that is the way of it.” Then another bird comes down and lands near the first, and she comments, “That bird will destroy that first bird,” but it’s really confusing for her when the second bird shows affection to the first, then they fly off.   The third one is in a mad rage over this craziness that her sisters are trying to do. She keeps trying to escape. They are programmed very simply and thoroughly from birth. Lovergirl reveals that these assassins are not the most trusted, so they do not have the pages. The “most-trusted” will have the pages.   These assassins don’t know about the red dragon Tuckerrath, but get the feeling that Ukaru has probably sent assassins after Tucker too. Bobushio also gets the impression these girls have never even seen Ukaru.   Bobushio asks if there are other assassins coming after us. They saw another assassin they knew, a warforged, but no details. Could have been Wart or Luna too. The uncharmed assassin escapes long enough to slit her own throat.   Gilly asks their names. The tied up assassin "Lovergirl" is named Ashi.   They notice the assassin who escaped past Gerrig Grimhelm shoot the groveling girl, then draw bead on Ashi. We manage to kill the assaliate in order to save Ashi. The love potion is starting to wear off, but she is having a huge paradigm break-through.   Bobushio gives Ashi the option to be locked up with the guard, or come with us. She opts to come with us and be locked in the brig on The Dragons Redemption. She gets settled in the brig, right about the time the love potion wears off. She is introducedr to everyone. Bowen takes an interest in her. She was told that Ukaru was her father, and all her sisters were all daughters of Ukaru. Their “mother” taught them their purpose in life was to do Ukaru’s bidding and find the white wolf. They grew up in a cave, and had never left. Ashi was in her room and dug a hole to see the sun. She used to look through that hole all the time. One time a small thing (a butterfly) flew in through the hole and she wondered whatever else was out there. She was always considered the failure because she wasn’t totally committed. Ashi breaks her own mask. She does know where her mom is but might recogized the place if she saw the entrance to the cave.

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