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A Trap and The best laid schemes...gang aft agley

Military: Battle


Bobushio discovers the reason Oni Island was destroyed. Uncovers a plot to assassinate him and sets a trap for the assassins.

Bobushio decides to read the ledger he received in the distillery. He reads the contract with Tuckerath and Ukaru. Ukaru offered him a huge amount of money to disrupt the supply chains for the war. Tucker took the money, but as a clever dragon would investigated Ukaru for weakness and the potential to exploit him. It seems the notes were taken down by a kobold scribe (probably the guy who Dimension Door’ed away in the back room). Tucker found details that Ukaru, was looking for disruptions in the manifest zones around Oni Island, which could indicate movement by Ukaru and what that might mean for the island. More importantly Ukaru was looking for a text on Oni Island that holds the key to Ukaru’s weakness. The text is in hidden library long ago. Ukaru sought out the text by attacking Oni Island. It may have been a distraction for the real mission of finding the library. It is rumored that they found the text and one of his top assassins have it. Ukaru fled back to his Obsidian tower in Drakenwall. The text may be en route to Drakenwall by his assassins. The text is probably traveling by land through Val Xora as The Sea of Koshira is volatile and also could be seen as the easiest route. It is most likely a smokescreen to confuse where the actual prize is traveling. Ukaru is worried Bobushio knows his plans and my have already uncovered the information on the chapter. Assassins have been sent to see if Bobushio knows about the texts and assassinate him if he does. He knowns that Bobushio has joined up with known treasure seekers.   The current chapters don’t say anything about the text that Ukaru has or a hidden library on Oni Island, so it’s probably a tome from a chapter the party has not discovered. The bonus is Ukaru already got it. The bad news is we have to find people in the huge country of Val Xora and kill top assassins to get it.   There is debate chasing the dragon Tuckerath but the party decides to ask around if anyone spotted the dragon fleeing. It seems the opportunity to chase Tuckerrath the Agitator has passed. Too much time has passed saving the people of Ravenbluff and the trail went cold many days ago.   In the meantime, Bobushio comes up with a big, elaborate plan to draw out the assassins. He wants to fill Whiz’s Armchair with undercover allies, then start throwing out rumors that Bobushio knows Ukaru’s secrets to get the assassins to come to him. Then they can try to get information from any of the assailants.   Bobushio gets Penny’s buy-in first. Then gathers allies: Doctor Tick, Gerrig Grimhelm, Carmela Norman, two Warforged Wart and Luna, Rosco Urnon, Chef Svee Desh, and Sky Full of Stars. Captain Kollias agrees to assign a few men to help us. We plan to have people set up outside to await an ambush. It’s part of a cluster of stores around a square where lots of street performers and entertainment acts set up.   Bobushio sets himself up as a street performer telling the glorious tale of Onikuru. Gilly gets a sniper location in the enclosed balcony in the Whiz Armchair tower. Gilly is sure to tell Gerrig to be safe and gives him a quick kiss on the lips before she sets up. Gerrig is taken aback from the loving assault. Bobushio sets up a vortex warp trap that will teleport anyone using a magical disguise or invisibility into a cage. Moz turns into an eagle and sets up in a tree. Thuniel borrows Gerrig to act as a servant and set her up a chair and a place to watch. Chef is selling hors d'oeuvres and Roscoe is immediately hyping up everyone and gathering a big crowd; bigger than Bobushio expected. It’s even louder than he can make his voice to be heard.   Thuniel notices that there’s an uncomfortable number of other Warforged here; like, three of them. Gilly notices seven people who look like identical twins, dark-skinned humanoids, with hoods, who all seem unusually agile. Moz notices a boisterous red-headed elderly bloke with his nine red-headed young women daughters, heckling Bobushio. Moz very much senses that he is an assassin, but she’s not sure if he’s here for Bobushio. He’s definitely adept at being the center of attention as camouflage. Eagle Moz poops on his shoulder and makes him laugh and laugh and he take off his shirt. It seems he does clock Moz as not a real eagle.   Gilly is doing her best to hide, but gets the impression that six of the seven have spotted her up in the balcony. Bobushio is weaving a fascinating tale to garner sympathy from the crowd for Onikuru.   Thuniel watches the Warforged and sees that one of them is usual in that he is carrying musical instruments, wearing loud clothes and high heels. Warforged are more known for being stoic and focused. He’s clearly standing out on purpose.   Bobushio recites the story in verse, and everyone is very impressed and thrilled. When he mentions the Warforged, the audience turns on the Warforged amongst them. The flamboyant Warforged is laughing about it. The seven twins disappear as soon as the animosity becomes clear. The Ginger Bloke is ready for a fight and excited, but he doesn’t incite anything. There’s so much tension that a fight could break out, should any of the party do anything.   Captain Kollias looks uncomfortable and might want to stop this. He looks to Thuniel for guidance, but she signals to stand down. Bobushio lets the tension hang in the air for a moment. Then he switches the tone and speaks of unity and overcoming Ukaru with a united front. There’s a big cheer, and many people are ready to party. Thuniel calls to Pennie for a round to everyone on her.   The animosity turns to frolic. The Dandy Warforged pulls out a flute and Dr. Tick joins in with his fiddle. The red-headed daughters start singing along, and a block party ensues.   Bobushio catches Thuniel’s eye, then steps into an alley. Thuniel circles the building from the other side. Gilly keeps eyes on Bobushio. The bait is set.   Bobushio is cleaning up in a side street. None of The Shades see what is coming and are all blindsided in first round of combat.

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