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Memories and Nightmares in the Colville Wood

Discovery, Exploration


The Circle of Six travel to the Mayford and the Coville Wood and find more than they expect.

The Circle of Six ventures into the entrance of the Coville Wood. An old woman in a small cottage next to the entrance greets the party and warns them "we true to your quest at any cost, stray from the path, and all will be lost."   They enter the forest and see a strait and narrow path with dence forest on each side of the path with resolve.   Mist covers the vision ahead and quickly the party hears a voice calling out to Gilly. Podrick her lost love is at the festival asking her to come to try some colcannon.   Caia hears the voice of Vozgan whispering in her ear "Hello little bird"   Aela sees ducks, geese, and waterfowl leaving the path.   Gilly retreats to Mozakoshs backpack and sees her Mother and Father fighting and she hides behind the bed.   Moz sees a group of tall regal Kalastar speaking to her in her mind "we have so much to show you, come here"   Gilly hears her mother screaming.   Caia sees her family attending her funeral in tears.   Aela sees the Silver King telling her "Come to my feast I have more to tell you about your past."   Gilly feels Podricks hand on her shoulder.   Alcath feels heat blanket over his body and sees the burning altar of his nightmares, Dol Arrah is standing near the alter vulnerable and exposed.   Brerenax sees his mentor Ymir in a battle in the arena. Aela finds herself in a house she does not know or remember she hears numerous footsteps in other rooms.   Gilly sees her Mother while in Lokenvale she sees a vision of her mother decomposing into nothing and she is left alone.   Alcath finds himself alone in the woods hurt and with major burns. He is met by a kind man who tells him to come to his cabin to help him and heal his wounds.   Caia watches a tribunal of Changelings turn into people she knows and they welcome her to know more.   Brerenax is in a room with all his past lovers, crushes, and one-night stands. They ask him to come hither.   Aela appears drops her clothes and armor and invites him to lie with him. He asks "Aela do you love me?" She replies "I always have"   Finally, Aela finds herself in front of Gwen she is scolded and said "you have failed me" Aela then spends hundreds of years in the dark alone and purgatory.   All these visions are desires and temptations for each member to leave the path. With resolve, luck, teamwork, and determination, they keep to the path. Eventually, the mist envelops the group, and finds themselves in a town that looks very much like a more colorful version of Mayford.   They are greeted by an old Goblin woman coming out of a small cottage and welcomes them to the Dayd Thicket.