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A Tale of Hrothbert and Winifred

Cultural event

13/6 15:00
13/6 21:00

The Party meets Marwynn at The Aislinn Tower. They have a meeting with Arch Mage Cristoval De Tresana. He discusses with them about "The Journal" and the potential repercussions of its existence. The learn about the Tale of Hrothbert and Winifred. They discuss a potental alliance and shared goal.

The Party meets Marwynn at The Aislinn Tower. They have a meeting with Arch Mage Cristoval De Tresana. He discusses with them about "The Journal" and the potential repercussions of its existence.   He explaines the Tale of Hrothbert and Winifred. Explaining there is a story in folklore and myth that there was a wizard that attempted to change magic and the coarse of the world. He achieve unimaginable power but untimately failed and was stopped by the Mageocrocy of the time. This story has been retold for generations and the truth of it has thought to be lost. Believers of the stories are called Hrothtorians and seek to find information and clues to how Hrothebert gained so much power. Up until now this was just a childs story in the eyes of The Arch Mage but with the discovery of this ancient tome of power it legitimizes the tale.   Cristoval is worried by this and asks The Circle of Six if they would be willing to investigate this further. They are somehow tied to his aready and the risk of going public with this finding could have potentnal histeria occur. The power in this tome has the potental to change the coarse of anyones life. Having power in the world like this is dangerous expesially if it falls into the wrong hands. He explains that he tasked the previous Doyen of Transmutaion Morris Inglebert to investigate and resently tragicly died leaving his findings and investation all but lost.   Any mention or reference to how Hrothbert created this tome has been lost to The Tower. He hopes The Circle can bring to light what happened or stop this from happening to others.   The Circle of Six reluctatly accept the task and set out to discover more about this Legend.

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