Acren Eld

All I have ever done is Protect others. And train to Protect others. I tried and failed to shield Vella. I wanted to be just like him. And then I find out that he not only egged you on, but basically invited you to hurt our family?

Acren Eld (a.k.a. Chaos)

One of the Twins had by Rone Eld and Veneara during their stay at the Fel-Harmonic Festival. He is an Elemental Dragon with connections to the Elements Fire, Air and Water. He is an oddity, in that he studies druidic practices like his Father but he follows no set Circle's teaching, instead carving his own path with aspects of multiple.

Physical Description

Body Features

His Draconic Form features three heads. Notably he once had a humanoid form that had the Blue and White heads emerging from his back. The experience gave him night terrors for days.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Acren is odd, anyone who has seen his Draconic form could see that. With three seperate heads he is in slim company regardless of all other aspects. His three heads voice different thoughts that run through his mind, though they all share one mind, though this trait often keeps him in his humanoid form as they voice his rather intrusive thoughts, and so far he has been unable to control this. Regardless he is a kind boy, if a little unhinged.   The boy is remarkably connected to nature, with each of his three heads representing one of the elements his father has connected with prior to his birth, those of Fire, Air and Water. The Red head is Fire of course and seems to be his primary voice, The White Head is connected to Air and storms and voices fleeting thoughts in quick succession while the Blue head seems to speak to deeper thoughts, voicing ideas of harm or darker deeds and is connected to the elements of Water and Ice. While each head voices his thoughts, Acren seems to fear the Blue Head and be constantly annoyed by the White Head. He claims that his humanoid form keeps the voices suppressed, though he can still hear them and does not like to be alone because of them. Thus he often follows his parents or siblings.   For all the quirks of his mind, Arcen is remarkably attuned to Druidic Magic, as shown by his innate abilites to manifest druidic cantrips. His abilites do not follow traditional Druidic practice of divided Circles, instead showing abilites of the Circle of Wildfire, Circle of Dreams and Circle of Spores. His three heads each follow a diffrent path and each obeys its own whims on the subject. He does not share Ykiza's fascination with machines and instead focuses on his Druidic practices, usually with aid from his parents or Fi-Yore. He looks up to his elder Sister and often approaches her for help when his extra voices begin shaking his mind.   Following the years after his birth within the Fel-Harmonic Festival, Acren has had help from his mother and father in keeping his multiple heads under control. They now bother him only when his concentration on tasks begins to lapse and he uses this to his personal advantage to gauge when he should move on to new activities. His power over Druidic Magics has grown, with his abilites being able to develop more quickly than most. He avoids using his draconic form to avoid causing concern after he witnessed several plays about Tiamat the Dragon Queen, though he has no particular love for Bahamut either.   He continues to train in the Druidic arts with his Grandmother acting as his mentor when Rone is away. He is a skilled Druid who wields no small amount of power and his Draconic Breath is enough to keep most anyone who would do him harm at bay. He has taken an interest in martial combat, with his most frequent opponents being Vella Duskborn and Kenina Ashdew. He respects the Platinum Child and they encourage one another to improve.   Following Acren's vision of his future self, he has been seen moving with more purpose and wielding more power than previously he had even hinted at, able to keep pace with the likes of Elliot and Xaelyn alone. He has stated the power will fade with his memories but he seems to enjoy it and appears to be doing his best to learn what he can before the memories fade. When he and Riona spoke of their future selves to Veneara, all three were seen shedding tears.   Following his Father's departure to the Sunfire Archipelago, Acren has made daily attempts to help his Grandmother. While he has met with little success, he is at least able to speak with her and keep her from drinking. When he is not caring for his Grandmother he can often now be found within the Starlight Grove with Vella as she trains to understand Druidic Magic and connect with the realm of dreams. The two of them support each other in their training and much of their leisure time is simply spent reassuring the other that things will work out, one way or the other. Acren has aided Vella in her attempts to help her Sister, aiding Vella in weaving dreams to calm the Moonstone Dragon, though their labors have born no fruit so far.   Acren has hardly left Vella's side since their fight with Mazerath, only doing so when the trio of healers, Veneara Eld, Mareena Lamplier and Samandriel Tyranus came to attempt to heal the Changeling girl. Following their failure to do so Acren has been at Vella's side and has been using their shared studies of the Circle of Dreams to bring peace to his love during her slumber.

Gender Identity

He is without a doubt a boy. He once attempted to emulate his mother and tried a feminine humanoid form. The experience seems to have left a mark upon him as he seems to have an aversion to the company of the female children of the Keep, with his sisters being the exception. Recently he has been seen frequently with the Fel Princess Vella, usually with her playing soothing music that calms his nerves.


Acren Eld

Brother (Vital)

Towards Fi-Yore Eld



Fi-Yore Eld

Sister (Vital)

Towards Acren Eld




While they have only been around eachother for a short time, given Acren lived within the Fel-Harmonic Festival and Fi-Yore spent much of her time with Naraxus, the two share a close bond, with Acren respecting Fi-Yore's knowledge and experience and Fi-Yore trusting Acren to guard their siblings when she is otherwise occupied.   Fi-Yore is not so helpful in silencing the other voices within Acren's mind like Vella Crisvin, as much as she inflame's his primary voice to drown out the others. She helps feed his element of fire, not literally but through her actions, and enables him to think clearly.

Nicknames & Petnames

Acren refers to his elder sister as Torchpole, in reference to her burning hair.   Fi-Yore has been seen refering to Acren as the "Rainbow Dragon" but his true nickname is Junior. She claims this is in reference to his elemental affinities like their father.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy the study and practice of Druidic Magic, and they have a shared interest in the Circle of Wildfire.

Legal Status


Acren Eld


Towards Riona Eld


Riona Eld


Towards Acren Eld


Ykiza Eld

Twin Sibling

Towards Acren Eld


Acren Eld

Twin Brother

Towards Ykiza Eld


Acren Eld


Towards Riona Eld


Riona Eld


Towards Acren Eld


Acren Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Acren Eld


Acren Eld


Towards Vella Duskborn


Vella Duskborn


Towards Acren Eld


Class: Circle of Dreams/Circle of Wildfire/Circle of Spores Druid

Neutral Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born from a Twinned Egg
Vella Duskborn (Lover)
Fi-Yore Eld (Sister)
Riona Eld (Sister)
Ykiza Eld (Twin Sibling)
Riona Eld (Sister)
Daniella Eld (Sibling)
Current Residence
The Starlight Grove
Mismatched Red/Blue/Black
Short kept brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned / Red/White/Blue Scales
210 lbs.
Elemental Chaos
Known Languages
Druidic, Draconic, Primordial


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