Daniella Eld

I got left behind because I wasn't strong enough. And now my Brother is under the control of a madman and my sister hurt herself stopping a volcano. I'm tired of being useless. I'm tired of being the weak one. No more.

Herald of Freedom, Daniella Oricos Eld (a.k.a. Dani)

A former Archdruid and Guardian, Dandren is now merely a child with no recollection of their previous life. She is the Herald of Messaria, Goddess of Freedom.

Divine Domains

As Messaria's Herald Daniella commands the Divine Domains of Freedom, Passion, Air, Secrecy, Trickery and Moon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Daniella has generally been on the leaner side and lacking in muscle, prefering to use finesse instead. While training with Messaria in her divine domain she has toughened up a bit and gained no small amount of muscle and developing her abilities much further than she had achieved previously.

Body Features

After becoming the Herald of Messara, Danielle now has Vampiric Fangs and Angelic Silver Wings. She retains the rest of her physical traits providing an odd image of an Angelic Tiefling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dandren has had a long run, with this being their, at minimum, third life. The first is hazy but they were some form of mystic, either a mage or druid in some capacity, that attempted to bind a Phoenix and, failing that, was cursed by the creature to experience life as a phoenix does, turn to ash upon death and be reborn from the ashes.   Their second life was far calmer, as an Archdruid they lived for a very long time, nearly 730 years. Their death was brought about trying to attack the Great Wyrm Dartag, a task in which they were ultimately unsuccessful.   Their body regrew from the ashes and now a child in their likeness is present, though far more rowdy and rabunctious than they were previously. The child is near wholly determined to resist any instruction given to them, except for commands from Veneara, The crystal dragon. They are being raised by Veneara and her Partner, Rone Eld, alongside their other adoptive child, Riona Eld. Dandren shows no potential for the druidic arts they once mastered and seems to enjoy the presence of thieves and warriors far more than any mystic training.   Dandren does not get along with their sisters, though they has made friends with Tali Ashdew and she has been showing them the techiniques that Zefer has taught her. The unlikely duo have been seen slinking around the keep and getting in to locked rooms as a means of passing time. Both Dandren and Tali have expressed very little aptitude and interest in the Arcane Arts. Tali has shown a bit of inclination towards Divine Magic but Dandren has shown none.   Following an extended stay in the Fel-Harmonic Festival, Dandren has emerged less a thief and more of a trickster. Using words and sleight of hand to cause mischief as they Fey do than to do any real harm. They were given proper discipline by a recovered Veneara and now understand that they can cause real harm but seek to not do so. They aged less severly than their siblings and have remained in close contact with Tali Ashdew, though they have picked up a Holy Symbol of Messaria from Tali and have begun carrying it around openly.   They have progressed well using their newfound Holy Symbol, as best as they can with a weakened Goddess at least. They have been making use of illusions and disguises to get up to more and more mischief with Tali. They even successfully managed to steal from Shizani's treasure hoard within her Workshop. Both Tali and Dandren had to be cured of Dragon Sickness by Veneara.   Both Tali and Dandren enjoy the Fel-Harmonic Festival and reside their often, recently resorting more to pulling pranks than any actual crimes. The Fey and Fel often find their tricks in good taste and encourage the duo of tricksters to continue.   Most recently the Tiefling has been seen in a particularly feminine form and spending more time casually around Tali. The Duo have been causing less mischief and have been training more vigorously, working more on their bladework than their underhanded tricks. They have also been frequent visitors to the Clearspring Bath house together and when not training they do disappear together for the evenings.   While Tali has been confrontational with Shizani she seems much more relaxed around her tiefling friend. Daniella has been spending much more time with Veneara and listening to her mother talk about the Stars and other such things, seemingly simply out of interest and a desire to be closer to her.   Following Tali leaving with the Elliot retrieval squad, Dani had been spending more time with Veneara. But after the most recent events with Acren, she has been avoiding interacting with others and spends her time almost exclusively in the Angel's Rest. Her skills have rapidly improved, some who traveled with Dandren previously have noted her fighting style is highly similar to his. Following the return of Rone Eld from Elemental Chaos with Zefer Ashdew, Rena Varag and the four newly created Genies, Dani has avoided Rone and her new siblings with her threatening to kill Rock after he pestered her. The last few days no one has seen her, Veneara has been worried but has said that Dani has been communicating via magic, though she has refused to explain where she is or what she is up to.   Zefer Ashdew found Daniella within Messaria's Domain training with Messaria's fallen champions as her Herald. The tiefling girl revealed she had accepted the position as Messaria's Herald to nullify the Phoenix Curse and gain strength. She can now no longer die unless Messaria releases her from service. Zefer attempted to test her reflexes and inadvertently killed her. Messaria quickly revived her but the girl looked shocked and hurt that Zefer would do such a thing. Zefer left her to her training with Messaria.

Gender Identity

While Dandren was formerly a man, after their rebirth Dandren has either no discernable Sexual Characteristics or has both, in a confusing situation for his former protege now turned caretaker.   The rebellious Tiefling has not decided on what they would like to be reffered to as, and such will be reffered to by They/Them. The last person who asked got bit.

Update: Tali stabbed a guardsmen in the hand when he reffered to Dandren as He and the tiefling became visibly upset.

Further update: They now refer to themselves as Daniella Eld and has been refereing to herself as she.

Mental Trauma

They seem to have a mild fear of birds, questioning them on this reveals that they are somewhat aware of their Phoenix Curse and the memories of fighting Dartag have remained, and they are afraid of the Phoenix they became.


Daniella Eld

Adoptive Brother

Towards Riona Eld


Riona Eld

Adoptive Sister

Towards Daniella Eld


Fi-Yore Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Fi-Yore Eld


Ykiza Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Ykiza Eld


Acren Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Acren Eld


Daniella Eld

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni



Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Daniella Eld



Class: Soulknife Rogue
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Training with Messaria
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Herald of Freedom
Parents (Adopting)
Tali Ashdew-Irefni (Girlfriend)
Riona Eld (Adoptive Sister)
Fi-Yore Eld (Sister)
Ykiza Eld (Sibling)
Acren Eld (Brother)
Current Residence
The Starlight Grove
Blood Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Red
130 lbs.
Messaria von Zarovich, Goddess of Freedom


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