Ykiza Eld (Why-Key-Zah)

Just let me work, I'm fine. I said I'm fine. STOP! I don't... I'm sorry Mother. I just... since Acren hurt me I've... I just want my brother back.

Ykiza Starlight (a.k.a. Shines/Kiza)

One of the Twin Children of Rone Eld and Veneara, Ykiza is a Diamond Dragon like her mother and she is a druidic acolyte specializing in Stars like their parents. Despite their parents attempts to keep them from violence they do seem to enjoy combat like their grandfather and Uncle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Their existence as a Diamond Dragon is perplexing as the only other Diamond Dragons are Gold Dragons that were ascended to Great Wyrms by Bahamut himself. They do not demonstrate the typical features of a Great Wyrm and this adds to the confusion. They have no insights on this either.

Body Features

Three seperate Breath Weapons are available to them, One like their Mother's A radiant Beam of Light, A typical Gold Dragon's Fire Breath, and a Miasmic mist that causes sleep.

Special abilities

They have a Familiar that to their parent's knowledge they did not summon. As it is a Raven they assume it is one of the Raven Matron's.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ykiza was born from a twinned Egg within the Fel-Harmonic Festival alongside their brother. They almost immediately demonstrated a very pervasive awareness, speaking within hours of hatching and assuming a humanoid form much quicker than any of the other children within the Keep had. Veneara has voiced suspicion of Esther's involvement but the Hag seems to be as surprised as their Parents are. Regardless, Ykiza is a very curious individual and demonstrates an innate intelligence that is unusual but not unheard of in Draconic Hatchlings.   They have taken a great interest in the Druidic Arts of their Father, showing the same fascination as Rone and Veneara with Stars. They have even fashioned their own star map by removing their own Diamond scales and using them to create a semi mechanical Star map that tracks the movements of prominent stars. They use Druidic and Mechanical magic in tandem in a way unique to themself, Even Esther has been dumbfounded by the child's creative instinct.   Like Gilroy they have begun using scrap from the foundries of the Keep to create small automatons, though where Gilroy's are more like toys, Ykiza has made more practical ones, as they fetch them items that are out of reach and keep track of time. One of their more negative traits is a single-minded focus on the task at hand, to the exclusion of all else, forgoing Sleep and meals if they are not reminded to perform such tasks.   They bristle at the constraints of remaining within the Fel-Harmonic Festival, though they do enjoy spending time with their siblings and Parents. They have made their own versions of mechanical objects from around the Festival, both real and fake. They carry a shield made of their and Veneara's scales and a crossbow charged with elemental energies from their father and brother. They have made a patchwork armor crafted from metal and wood that is suffused with magical energies.   While not given the Future Vision by Kenina, their twin spoke to them of what is to come and they seemed content to accept it. They discussed what Acren told them with Shizani and the Green Dragon agreed to their request, though what that was remains a mystery. They have been spending more and more time within the Starlight Grove with Veneara and have been making every effort to stay close to their mother, uncharacteristically showing emotion.   Ykiza chose to stay behind instead of accompanying the others to rescue Elliot Andronas. She, Gilroy and Karieed had been continuing their work on rebuilding the Keep and aiding Gilroy in creating Prosthetics for those injured. She had also been been aiding her brother in training with his elemental abilities when Shinryu Varag appeared and attempted to infect with for Mazerath. Shinryu was blocked by Acren who took the blow instead. The two, under Mazerath's control, assaulted Ykiza and injured her. She was allowed to limp back to the Keep where she was healed by the druids and her mother. Her injuries are severe and do to her Draconic nature it will take time for her to fully recover.   She left the Grove as soon as she was able to walk and has been staying with Shizani, when Veneara asked her to come back to the Grove she refused. She said that being there reminds her too much of Acren. When Shizani completed construction of the Dragon's Den she moved there from the Workshop and has been aiding Gilroy in his construction projects with Shizani and Karieed providing what healing they can to her.

Gender Identity

Ykiza demonstrates a Fluidity similar to Suyuzu, as they have no care for Gender and do not understand why others care what their physical form is. They care not what they are reffered to as and will respond regardless of what someone calls them.


Self Taught tinkerer and innovator. They have been taught druidic ways by their Father and to an extent their mother. They enjoy staying awake at night to observe the stars.

Mental Trauma

Ykiza has demonstrated a newfound fear of druids and physical touch after her encounter with Shinryu and Acren. She continues to practice her own version of the teachings of the Circle of Stars but she does not venture to the grove.   She does not like people making contact with her, recoiling and panicking from touch from all but a handful of individuals.

Intellectual Characteristics

Demonstrates Hyperfixation and neglect of self care if occupied with a task. Giving them a Task they cannot perform leads to immense Frustration and an outlet of aggression on whatever happens to be nearby, followed by apologies for damage and an attempt to correct such mistakes.


Ykiza Eld

Twin Sibling

Towards Acren Eld


Acren Eld

Twin Brother

Towards Ykiza Eld


Ykiza Eld


Towards Fi-Yore Eld


Fi-Yore Eld

Older Sister

Towards Ykiza Eld


Ykiza Eld


Towards Riona Eld


Riona Eld


Towards Ykiza Eld


Ykiza Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Ykiza Eld




Towards Ykiza Eld


Ykiza Eld


Towards Karieed


Ykiza Eld


Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Ykiza Eld


Class: Circle of Stars Druid/ Armorer Artificer

Lawful Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born from a Twinned Egg
Karieed (Partner)
Acren Eld (Twin Brother)
Fi-Yore Eld (Older Sister)
Riona Eld (Sister)
Daniella Eld (Sibling)
Current Residence
The Starlight Grove
Dark Blue
Long Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Skin / Diamond Scales
4'0" or 3'4"
125 lbs.
The Raven Matron
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Druidic


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