Tali Ashdew-Irefni

My beautiful Silver Angel. I'm so sorry for what I did, I know it wasn't me but I still did it. I was so worried and my heart broke seeing you like that. When I saw you get back up it made me so happy to know you were okay. I love you.

Tali Zarea Ashdew- Irefni

An Angelic Child born to Zefer Ashdew and Shizani Irefni.

Physical Description

Body Features

She has inherited Shizani's Poisonous Breath, able to breath out a sizable cloud of deadly gas though it is not well within her control.

Special abilities

She can manifest a Halo like an Archangel but she does not share the other traits Archangels have. Her Halo causes those around her to feel sickened or poisoned similar to her Mother's Poison Breath.

Specialized Equipment

Tali has a mechanical wing made by her brother to replace the one she lost while fighting Mazerath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tali is an Angel born to Zefer Ashdew. She is a Valkariye like her mother and despite her lithe appearance, she is quite strong for her size. She takes much after Zefer, showing a skill at lockpicking as well as an affinity for skulking about. She is not particularly close with many of the other children at the keep, though she is good friends with her cousin Xaelyn and at night Kenina can often be found curled around Tali.   Tali is the most proficient at the talents that Zefer has tried to instill in her children, as she has demonstrated proficiency in both knife play and Lockpicking. She has put these skills to effective use in teaching Dandren Eld the skill she has. When not causing mischief or under her mother's supervision, Tali has taken to spending time with the Weakened Goddess Messaria and using some of her Divine Power.   She and Dandren have made themselves into something of a nuisance for the staff of the keep. She does attend her lessons from Zefer with great interest, but she then uses those lessons to cause trouble throughout the Keep. While she has made herself something of a nuisance she does keep Dandren out of trouble and the two of them can often be seen high upon the keep walls with the items they have made off with, usually sweets of some kind.   Tali and Dandren, now having chosen her name to be Daniella, have been focusing more on honing their combat skills of late, sparring with Vella or training themselves under Atticus' watchful gaze though they both notably slowed their progress when both Ari and Zefer left for the Sunfire Archipelago. The two spend nearly all of their time together, more and more frequently they are seen in the Starlight Grove , resting against each other listening to Veneara's lessons on navigation and observation of Celestial objects.   Also of late they have both been frequent guests of the Clearspring Bath house, at first Daniella seemed uncomfortable given the unusual nature of her body but with some gentle coaxing from Tali she has become much more easy going and her body seems to have taken on a more permanent form.   Tali herself has become confrontational with Shizani and has vocally expressed how little she feels Shizani cares for her. She has also spoken about how she does want to learn from Zefer but knows her mother is busy trying to make the world safer for her, even if she would rather Zefer was home. In her mother and Uncle's absence, she has turned to Xaelyn for guidance as the Electrical Angel has training in the same forms of combat that her other family members do.   Carried to Mount Celestia by her mother after losing her left wing to Mazerath, Tali was informed the Angels could aid in her recovery but it would still take some time. She inquired about Vella's condition while they inspected her injuries but was told that even the Archangels had not the power to undo a God's judgement. She seems to have an Idea but refuses to explain it until they return to the Keep.   Tali left with the other children to try and retrieve Elliot Andronas from Azazel and she has been helpful along the way. She is a capable combatant, not yet able to keep pace with Ashlen but still able to hold her own. She has been experimenting with using her Halo in combat to incapacitate enemies but has been unable to use it without affecting her allies and she refuses to fight alone. Her elder sister is the strategist of the group while Tali is muscle for her sister to command.   Tali was abducted by Mazerath during the assault to reclaim Elliot and while her entrappment was brief, she was aware of the goings on of Mazerath's group of minions. Upon her return she reunited with her family and has spent much of the time since with Dani Eld. The two have been seen flying around the Keep together and have been abnormally reclusive from the general areas of the Keep.


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni



Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Tali and Ashe occupy much the same position in each others mind, in that the two have a profound rivalry. Ashe had never known any form of affection from anyone and when Zefer and Shizani allowed her to join their family she took to Kenina readily. With Tali she felt her position for attention being threatened by this tiny feathered child. Tali seemed to have picked up on this resentment because the feeling became mutual within the span of a few weeks within the Fel-Harmonic Festival. The two vyed for favor from their mothers and after some discipline to both from Shizani and Zefer, the two found more amicable ground. Nowadays they still share a rivalry, though it is more comabtive and friendly in nature. When Ashara makes new breakthroughs in her studies she often goes to challenge Tali to a duel. The angelic girl is a rather adept study under Zefer and Ari, having picked up many of their more evasive skills in a short time. As the record currently stands their total number of matches within the Hammerfall Arena stand at 107 with Tali having won 64 of those, though she has been on a losing streak since Ashara gained her Chronurgy Magic.

Nicknames & Petnames

Tali's nicknames: Light for brains, Feather head and "The sneaky bird"   Ashara's Nicknames: Slowfire, The scarred one and "The Dragon Tamer" (She was told to call Ashe this by Elliot)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The two of them the aspect of competition adn they provide one another a constant source of rivalry and motivation to improve.

Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Brother

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Daniella Eld

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni



Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Daniella Eld



Tavilos Andronas


Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Tavilos Andronas


Fenrys The Traveler

Half Brother

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Half Sister

Towards Fenrys The Traveler


Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Class: Soulknife Rogue/Oath of Glory Paladin
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born a fully developed Child as a Celestial Angel
Daniella Eld (Girlfriend)
Tavilos Andronas (Partner)
Ashara "Ashe" Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Brother)
Fenrys The Traveler (Half Brother)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
90 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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