Draconic Reproduction

Explaining how Dragons make these hybrids

Dragons can reproduce with any species across the planes, with varying degrees of success. Here in brief detail is explained the "How".   All Dragons of at least 10 years of age can take on Humanoid Form, they may be able to do this earlier if hatched around mortal individuals or raised near them, and can take on a set Biologically Male or Female Form, and can choose to switch between either of these at will. Using these Humanoid forms, any Dragon can be either Mother or Father to children. The form the child takes depends on whether a Dragon is the Mother or Father of any child of theirs   Mother: In the event that a Dragon is the mother of a child, the child will be born while the Dragon is in their Draconic Form, in the form of an Egg. This process takes roughly 2-3 Months with eggs taking anywhere from 1-12 months of certain conditions to hatch. A Dragon may lay one or multiple eggs. This process leaves the mother extremely vulnerable as much of the innate magic they rely upon is drained by the developing egg(s).   Father: If the Dragon is the Father to a child born of a mortal, then the Child will be born as a member of the same Race as their mother, though they will inherit some features from their father as well. Most often children born of Dragons and Mortal Mothers demonstrate this as an affinity for Magic in Draconic Bloodline Sorcery, though it is also possible for a child to be able to fully turn into a Dragon as their Father did. In this version of the Process, the Humanoid Mother will experience all the normal effects of a full term pregnancy for a member of their race but condensed to a single month of time. Most individuals who have gone through this process report extreme hunger, exhaustion and mood swings. They are often cared for by their partners, though some are left to fend for themselves.   -From the notes of Esther Bitteroot


For educational Purposes for an individual at Dragon's Claim Keep.
Manual, Scientific


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