Numiner Andronas

If Klexia wasn't going to get them back, I would go myself. I do not know what I could do to Malcanthet but I would be getting my children back. Demon Lord, God or any other obstacle would not stop me.

Master of Arcane Numiner Vashan Andronas- Egrevius (a.k.a. Numi)

Apprentice Wizard and Partner to Obann. Numi is a female Black Dragon who is missing the last quarter of her tail and her right arm, as well as both her horns which have been broken off. She is currently an advisor to Duke Eren Volund on matters of Draconic interest and Arcane nature.   Numi was born a feral dragon, the smallest of her nest mates and the last to hatch, and as such she was neglected by her mother. When she was nearing a century of age her mother pitted her siblings against one another to prove which was most likely to survive. Numi was attacked by one of her sisters and a brother and this is where she sustained her major injuries. She survived by feigning death long enough for her siblings to lose notice and when she was ignored she fled.   Shortly after this she encountered a traveling wizard in the outskirts of Moledar and from him she learned the basics of spellcraft, albeit with difficulty due to her missing arm. After deciding to reveal her true nature to him she was met with disgust and anger and while he did not attack her, the insults he hurled left their mark. She was just over 200 when she met Obann and decided to travel with him in his quest for human acceptance. Together they found the stone giant Village where the Staff of Azezstos was corrupting the denizens and they killed the inhabitants. Their plan to destroy the staff was interupted by a group of Adventurers who then aided them in their quest.   Now Numi has access to a limited number of magical texts and the knowledge of her new friend, Shizani IRefni. Her time is occupied now with studies, meetings and taking care of her two hatched children and attending of her as of yet unhatched egg.   After arriving within Dragon's Claim Keep and recieving her new appointment as part of the Council, Numi has moved into The Moon Haven Tower as a means to escape the worship of the Kobolds who live within the keep. She has expanded her magical knowledge in the time since she arrived in Ironhold, becoming a practiced mage. She has reached the heights of the power that she can currently possess, any further increase will come with Age.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While her right arm is missing, she has since had a replacement fashioned by the combined efforts of Gilroy Ashdew and Rustean Aldlith.   She nearly always prefers her humanoid form to her Draconic form and is only seen in her Draconic form when she has to travel or if she goes flying about the Keep with Obann or Elliot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Numi has been tending to her children, including those Klexia has brought home, for many months now and she has become rather skilled at managing her time to look after each of them, a task that has become much easier with Obann now present at the Tower full time. She aids Kartalos, Mevara and Ashara in their studies where she can and aids them in locating tomes relevant to their studies. Ashlen needs little oversight but she makes time for her daughter, whether the child wishes it or not. For Orgos, she visits him during his time in the Forges and sees him well looked after when he returns home. She has listened to Alizain's performances and offered what advice she can to the young Dragoness, though in matters of the heart Numi is uniquely unversed, as both Obann and Klexia were rather direct in their attempts. For Elliot she has been tending to his wounds and injuries he recieves in the Arena and makes sure her time warped son has as much support as he is willing to accept. Though newly arrived, she has invested much of her daily routine into young Tavilos, ensuring they are taught about the world so that they understand anything they might feasibly interact with. The remainder of her time is spent overseeing the affairs of the Moon Haven and tending to her library, stocked with books from the Obsidian Atheneum and Vissera's collection.   Since Obann's arrival at the Keep, they have split many of her duties in attending the children, with Obann now having the chance to interact with many of them at length for the first time. Numi has since spent her newfound free time catching up with her siblings and seeing that they settle in comfortably.   She has been noticeably on edge since she was revived. She refuses to be left alone in quiet places and seems to have developed trouble sleeping peacefully without someone close at hand.   Numi has had a very busy six months since her wife departed for the Shadowfel. When Elliot returned with tavilos in tow she welcomed the child and after hearing their story she set to educating them on how to interact with the denizens of the Keep. She has become an ever more capable instructor as students trickle in from the Alliance Territories and beyond. While they still fall far short of the numbers enrolled within Roseweald, Visturan or Gravehollow's Academies the Moon Haven has grown to have some thirty students, not including the children of the Keep.   Numi has enjoyed teaching Arcane theory and spellcraft to her students and has split this duty with Obann, Lillith, Tereen, Kalresi, Naraxus mar Cesier and Vara Eld. With the five of them teaching classes and Numi's children assisting those who struggled they have begun the process of making the Moon Haven into a true Academy.   As much as she dedicates to her students, Numi has set aside ample time to give her children attention. She always makes time should any of them wish to speak and if she has not heard from any of them within a few days she seeks them out herself. Elliot in particular has found this out the hard way as he has often lost track of time when training with Xaelyn. She has often been seen interupting their "training" sessions on purpose, though she does give them their time to be alone.   The Trio of she and Obann's Children continue to grow more independent, she has often assigned Orgos commisions utilizing more and more complex techniques as a way to hone his skills and for her to engage with his craft, and she was absolutley delighted to help him with his studies in Rune Crafting. When Ashlen grew frustrated with her lack of improvement in combat training she offered what advice she could before designing an Illusion to aid her daughter in a more tangible way, a means of truly testing her skill without exposing her to true harm. When attempting to aid Mevara she discovered the extent of Ashara's progression with the White Blight and worked with Kartalos, Shizani, Mevara and Esther to slow the spread of the disease across Ashara's body. Their efforts did slow the spread but they could not stop it. Numi always kept her door open for any or all of the three of them to come seek words of comfort from her, which they did more and more often as the spread continued.   While Alizain had continued to spend more and more of her time in the company of Siora, she had started attending classes at the Moon Haven. She was a frequent sight in Numiner's Classes and her primary focus was to improve her spellcasting, both the speed of her spells and her consistency at their effects. The other children who made use of Bardic Magic did also join the classes as the weeks wore on, with them becoming such a large group that Numi actually asked Anaya if she could join the teaching staff on occasion to teach on the particulars of Bardic Magic, to which Anaya was enthusiastic as she brought Dan Eld along with her to demonstrate their disciplines.   Finally she has been doing her best to teach Tavilos and in the six months the Brass Dragon has lived at Dragon's Claim Keep, they have learned much. Numi's lessons have sparked something within them. They have begun to use an amalgamation of various magics and skills present within the Keep. While they prefer to use their hands to fight instead of weapons, they make use of styles of magic present in Wizardry, Sorcery, Divine Magic, Druidic Magic and Bardic Magic. The result is a very strange form of spellcasting that works despite confusing all who watch it, Tereen notes that she has heard of such magics used by the Arcanists of Roseweald, though Tavi demonstrates far less control over the forces of Magic than such and she would be concerned of a Regal Dragon possessing such Magical power. Numi agreed that it could be concerning but has continued to teach Tavi herself in one on one lessons and directs them to those who can help teach the child.   Numiner herself has had little time to spend with Obann and the two have had to make time where they can to be together. While they cannot spend much time together, the two of them have been seen flying about the Keep in the moonlit hours of the Night together on rare occasions. The Dragoness of the Moon Haven has been in a far more amicable mood since he returned though she has made frequent and liberal use of both Samndriel's Scrying Orb and her own Scrying Spell to check on Klexia during the latter's imprisonment in the Shadowfel.

Gender Identity

While she nearly wholly identifies as Female, she has taken a page from Shizani and assumes her more masculine form to fluster Obann, and intends to do so with Klexia when she returns as well. She gives her male form a far more relaxed demeanor and much looser clothing than her normal female form.


Self Taught education in both mundane and magical arts, Numiner is a genius but one whos talent was left stagnant by her mother. She has improved by leaps and bounds under the guidance of Tereen and has reached the near pinnacle of what she may achieve with her current level of power.


Obann Andronas


Towards Numiner Andronas

Numiner Andronas


Towards Obann Andronas

Klexia Andronas


Towards Numiner Andronas


Numiner Andronas


Towards Klexia Andronas




Towards Numiner Andronas


Numiner Andronas


Towards Alquerien


Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


Towards Numiner Andronas


Numiner Andronas


Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


Neutral Good
Current Status
Directing the Affairs of the Moon Haven Magic Academy
Current Location
Date of Birth
29th of Nightfall
Year of Birth
1829 EP 945 Years old
Runiger's Den
Obann Andronas (spouse)
Klexia Andronas (Partner)
Alquerien (Brother)
Current Residence
The Moon Haven
Golden Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skin/Black Scales
5'6" / 16' 6"
125 lbs. / 6 Tons
Vecna the Whispered One
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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