Shizani Ashdew

No. I am not going to kill him. I'm not stupid enough to believe I can kill a God. But I can give Zefer the means to bring him down. And I will. He took my Daughter and I will make him pay for that. -Shizani to Halvreth

Lady Shizani Melea Ashdew- Irefni

An Alchemist and Green Dragon, Shizani Irefni is a young woman with a massive weight on her shoulders, as she is one of the few alchemists in the world with the potential knowledge on how to treat The White Blight. She has learned quickly and is something of a prodigy with Alchemical Formulae, though this may just be a perk of being immune to toxic fumes.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

She carries a customized pistol fitted with explosive rounds of her own making, while this weapon has not seen actual use in combat, she has demonstrated that a single round can harm even the likes of Aryzen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She is the child of Liezzen and the Grandchild of Donu the Poisoned. Her days are filled with research, brewing of potions for the people of Ironhold and waiting for her Girlfriend to call, knowing full well she has the ability to do so at least once per day.   Since her appointment as the alchemical Advisor to Duke Eren Volund of Ironhold she has settled into her role and become quite used to her laboratory, hardly leaving except for retrieving supplies, meals that cannot be brought to her, delivery of potions and reporting to the Duke himself. She is nearly constantly in her humanoid form, the last known time she was in her Draconic form was the day Zefer left.   After Ironhold's fall she and the other dragons were met with suspicion for their lack of intervention to stop the demons. Shizani become more and more withdrawn, and after the death of her partner she refused to leave her lab, creating weapons designed to make the Orc's pay. By the time Zefer was revived and contacted her, she was ready to leave the Alliance. So she, Numi and Atticus Teclis made their way to The Chaotic Seven's location and settled in. Now one of the council members of Dragon's Claim Keep, she looks to put her alchemical expertise to good use, provided Elder Mercury doesn't destroy everythin when she isnt looking.   Following her appointment to the Council and the numerous threats the Keep has faced, Shizani has turned from Timid Pacifist, to Experimental Gunslinger. She carries with her a Modified Pistol of her own design and numerous potions that she has brewed for specific uses that only she knows. She cares deeply for her Children and her Partner, as well as Atticus and Ari. In recent weeks she has developed an Unhealthy dependence on Coffee.   Since the Imperial attack on the Gravehollow forces and Numi's death, she has been taking extra precautions in the event that Eli Ashdew or Imperial Agents attempt to attack the Keep or harm her children. She has been seen training with her firearms much more intensley than she had previously.   When Shizani heard of Zefer and the others being imprisoned in the Shadowfel she fell into despair before realizing that she had to take care of her children alone, at least until Zefer was freed. So she did just that. She began to spend much more time with both Kenina and Tali and during the infrequent times when Ashara visited, she took care of the tiefling girl as well.   She could do no more for Gilroy than simply allow the boy his space to work and advice as he needed. She enjoys seeing his projects take shape and how much happier he is now that he has Ykiza and Karieed to keep him company.   While she could not aid Tali in improving her martial skills, she could aid her in improving her tools. She fashioned a personal set of thieves tools for Tali as well as a coat with Holding enchantments woven into the pockets, aiding the girl in her less than legal endeavors but showing her care in her own way.   For Ashara she brewed potions to help the Tiefling continue her fight against the White Blight, even if they both knew it was a fight she could not win. On nights where she could not stop her coughing fits she would seek out Shizani, who in the dark hours of the night would offer relief through potions and words of comfort and reassurance of the Chaotic Seven's Imminent return   Last but not least, Kenina. The Platinum Dragon was shaken after her trip to the Sunfire Archipelago and Shizani struggled to help her. At first she coddled her daughter, offering words of encouragement and quiet aid. However this began to have the opposite effect, as Kenina drew more withdrawn as once Gilroy had been. Seeing this Shizani, though it broke her heart, forced Kenina out of her workshop and into the arms of Riona and Tavilos. This show of tough love did yield some positive results, Kenina recovered some of her former confidence as she trained and accompanied the others but the times when she was left alone were still frightening. Shizani had planned to work with Gilroy on some form of Automata to accompany her and keep her from being alone but before they could begin their work the attack came.   When not attending to her children Shizani has had to live much healthier without her partner around to cover for her bad habits. She has nearly quit coffee entirely and sleeps much more regularly. She still experiences Night terrors and she has often been seen flying to the Obsidian Atheneum to speak with Obyssia in the hours of the night, seeking some reassurance from the Obsidian Dragon and knowing that she is one of the few souls who sleeps very little within the keep.

Gender Identity

Originally presenting merely as Feminine, following her gaining more confidence she has found little preference between her two humanoid forms. She enjoys flustering Zefer with her Male Body.




Taught by Esther Bitteroot in Basic Alchemy and she has blossomed into a genius innovator with access to magical and mundane texts.

Mental Trauma

She once had an Aversion to combat following the events of her mother's death, she has worked past this with aid from Numi, Atticus and Ari while Zefer has been away. Now she has an aversion to fighting but is armed with her own custom Pistol and will not hesitate to use it to protect her family.

Intellectual Characteristics

She has a keen and Imaginative Mind, able to extrapolate a great deal of complex information from simple writings, this may be an inherited trait from Donu the Poisoned as she was the first to discover the means to attain Dracolichdom.


Shizani Ashdew


Towards Zefer Ashdew


Zefer Ashdew


Towards Shizani Ashdew


Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


Towards Shizani Ashdew


Shizani Ashdew


Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


Chaotic Good
Current Status
Parenting and Work
Date of Birth
4th of Helsperin
Year of Birth
1755 EP 1019 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Formed from Mana by her Mother
Liezzen's Spring
Zefer Ashdew (Wife)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Feminine Nonbinary
Long Green Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green Scales, Pale Skin
5'10" or 17'9"
148 lbs. or 10 Tons
Zimwick, Goddess of Creativity
Ruled Locations


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