Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

I don't think my life was ever going to be normal but... I'm happy to just relax with friends and family. I love you guys. - Kenina to her partners

Platinum Wyrm Kenina Valere Ashdew- Irefni (a.k.a. Keni)

A Platinum Dragon hatchling born to Shizani Irefni and Zefer Ashdew.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kenina is as Headstrong as Zefer and she is determined to be an ideal daughter. Unfortunatley she is a bit to strong for her own good, accidentally crushing or damaging items if she has a momentary lapse in concentration. She wanted to learn Arcane magic but the means of manipulating it elude her, Divine Magic however comes almost naturally. She has been learning from Zefer, Anaya, Atticus and Messaria in how to channel divine energies into her weaponry and while she cannot properly smite, she has figured out a nasty trick to temporarily paralyze weak foes.   Kenina has trouble getting along with the other children, her siblings especially. She and Ashe share the same headstrong attitude and butt heads often, while Tali finds her sister loud and disruptive. Gilroy least minds her volume and attitude but he is frustrated by her uncontrolled strength as she has a tendency to break his delicate machines. Her best Friend is Riona Eld, who does not mind her rather brute force solutions and loud mannerisms.   Comments from Aryzen say that Bahamut was the same in his younger days.   She spends much time in the Festival, sparring with the Fel Attendant Scadrag. She is often observed by Riona Eld, who seems rather amused to watch the Platinum Dragon get knocked on her ass, though she always has some insightful advice on how Kenina could improve her technique.   Since Esther allowed her a vision of the future she has been seen in the company of several of the other children notably, Acren, Vella, Riona, Kartalos and Ashara. She has spoken with Esther and has mentioned an unknown individual named Tavilos, saying that she needs to find them.   Following her experience in the Sunfire Archipelago, Kenina has retreated within the Keep. She has very rarely left Shizani's side, spending her days assisting her mother in the Workshop. She has not touched her weapons and has refused to speak of what happened to anyone but her mother, Riona or Tavilos.   When she does leave Shizani's workshop it is in Riona's company and usually with Tavilos alongside her. The Gold dragon has voiced concern about her friend's emotional state and despite Shizani's best attempts, emotional maturity is not high in her list of skills. Thus has Shizani attempted to get aid for her daughter from the Crystal Dragon Veneara, seeking to use her more friendly nature to help Kenina open up and voice her problems.   Kenina has been seen with Riona in the Starlight Grove, sharing a small moment of romantic spark between the two before the moment was interupted by Fi-Yore Eld. Riona has been staying with Kenina in her room at the Keep proper and in the hall outside their room during the nights, Kenina's tear filled apologies can be heard while Riona comforts her with soft words and gentle affirmations.   During the Battle of Dragon's Claim Keep, Kenina was surprised and set upon by a Marilith who attacked her and cut out her right eye. The injury shook the Platinum Wyrmling and she has been in a state of shock and self loathing since. Tavilos has been on hand to keep her from doing anything rash and has been comforting her, joined by Riona once the Gold Dragoness was brought back to the Festival by her Father.   Following the Battle Kenina put aside her blade and was aimless. When the Platinum Dragon Bahamut prepared to leave the Keep to find answers for himself, the two spoke and Kenina made a decision to try something new. She went to the Moon Haven and the Obsidian Atheneum and collected all the tomes she could on Tactics and planning, taking them with her into the Fel Wild where she asked Nemri to give her a bubble of time on her own. She spent the equivalent of a month within that space, studying the tomes that she had brought. When she emerged she heard the news of Elliot and offered to accompany the group.   Since embarking with the others, Kenina has not joined the fray of battle herself but has instead dedicated herself to planning out tactics for the others. Even Ashlen has deffered to the younger dragon's judgement as she has proven an effective strategist and general leader. While Ashlen remains the spearhead of the group, Kenina is the brains and the one who has been helping to keep her friends and family in high spirits. Her overall demeanor has improved from the scared girl she was before and during the battle of the Keep.   Since returning from the mission to retrieve Elliot, Kenina has spent nearly all of her time in the company of either Riona or Tavilos. She was devastated about Tali being taken by Mazerath but following her sister's return she has been far more relaxed and has begun casting her thoughts towards the future. She and her partners debated whether or not she would accompany them on their travels following Rone and Veneara's ascension to divinity and she has chosen to stay at the Keep for reasons of her own, though she has mentioned that she plans on studying some personal matters during their absence.


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni



Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Kenina and Ashara met when Zefer brought the Tiefling back with her from the City of Brass and Kenina had hatched while the Angelic Thief was away. At first they did not get along, squabbling and bickering as Ashe was unsure of how to act outside of her slave bonds. Soon enough, Kenina poked and prodded at Ashe's scars with questions on what happened and Ashe's facade of strength broke down as Kenina's hand crossed one of her deepest scars. The Tiefling collapsed as memories over took her of a savage beating she had recieved at the age of five, her mind trying to flee while her body was frozen. Kenina did her best to calm Ashe and she was there when the Tiefling awoke, eyes full of concern. Ashe gave a brief thanks before running from the other girl. Later, Ashe apologized after she had recovered her wits and gave a brief explanantion of what had happened. Kenina promised not to speak of her stories and it became a regular occurence for Ashe to relive her worst memories with Kenina to listen and offer comfort. Since then the two have become better acquainted and share a sisterly bond that none could break. Following the traveling Bard, Fizban's talk with Kenina Ashe has been helping her sister to process what will become of her.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ashe refers to Kenina as any of the following interchangably: Keni, Your Holiness and "Your great and powerful Shinyness"   Kenina refers to Ashe as the following: Spitfire, The Genius of Clocks and The Booknerd.

Shared Secrets

Despite not being seen together very often the two share a bond, Kenina being unsure of what her status as a Platinum Dragon means for her and Ashe being unsure and even frightened of who her Father is or was. The two reassure each other and will stand against whatever comes their way together.

Legal Status


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Brother

Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

Wife (Vital)

Towards Riona Eld



Riona Eld

Wife (Important)

Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni




The two became truly involved after Zefer Ashdew unceremoniously revealed Riona's feelings for her daughter, despite Riona having very obvious feelings for Kenina. They have been seen together often since their return to the Keep and they continue to be close, with Riona often staying the night with Kenina.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kenina calls Riona the following: The Golden Gossip, The most Beautiful Voice.

Riona calls Kenina the Following: My Valiant Knight, My beautiful star.

Shared Secrets

Kenina and Riona can often be heard in the Evenings when much of the Keep is asleep with Kenina suffering nightmares of her experience in the Sunfire Archipelago. Riona often holds her and tries her best to calm her with words and gentle lullabys.

Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Tavilos Andronas


Tavilos Andronas


Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Class: Oath of the Crown Paladin/Fighter Battlemaster
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Zefer Ashdew and Shizani Irefni
Riona Eld (Wife)
Tavilos Andronas (Partner)
Ashara "Ashe" Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Brother)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Female Born
Long Silver Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Platinum Scales
115 lbs.
Zefer Ashdew
Aligned Organization


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