Davide Esterlino

Growing up in northern Lake Doro, Davide wondered about the world south beyond the mountains. His youth was spent fishing, skinning, and boating until he came to Culpira, where he studied the tomes in the library. The collection of texts Davide could study all possessed a theme. War and warfare. Doron institutions prepared one to aid the war effort. The artifice of war, military supply chains, history. All that was studied was under the warmongering players in Doro.   Since his time in the capital, Davide traveled across Tel Rialis with many nomads and navigators. Learning the customs of Kaddites and Saenians, the trade routes past the mountains and to the lands of Egrecia and Malagra. There he met many other like-minded individuals looking to understand and ponder the questions of life. He met with philosophers, scholars, nobles, and commoners alike in his quest for answers   Esterlino returned to Doro, to his lakeside hamlet home of Ellas Rock. While he lost an eye in his travels, he gained more illumination than it could have given him. There he wrote and considered himself a collector of tales, centered around artifice, mystery, and variety. He believes his knowledge to be too cursory to get anything truly correct, however, his work is a gateway to the wider world most never will dream of seeing.     Magic and Artifice   Sai “Slimmer”   Moreno Relaris   Jacita Zalantena   Kaddite Glyphs   Field of Flame   Elevative Map Arcurio


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