Pegasi and Alicorns

  Pegasi and Alicorns are two similar flying animals. They are brave, loyal creatures with honor and love. Their wings are large and feathered.   Pegasi, named after the original Pegasus, are also his offspring. They have been known to come in a variety of colors. The main colors are white, black, brown and even mixed colors (ex: brown and white). And sometimes, other colors also appear.   The Pegasi herd is huge and more of these have pulled royal carriages or coaches than alicorns and unicorns.   Alicorns have both a unicorn horn and wings of a Pegasus. The color of their coat is varied although white or brown are common.   The Legendary Rainbow Alicorn is of all colors.The Legendary Rainbow Alicorn is also in the same group of Legendary Mystical Creatures as both the Legendary Rainbow Unicorn and Legendary Rainbow Dragon included.   Pegasi and Alicorns can speak the Mystic Tongue of Ancient Power.  

Magical Powers

Background General Powers

The Gift of Immortality: This gift allows all Unicorns to live forever.   Omnilingualism/All-Tongue: Unicorns areto be able to speak, understand and communicate in any language. They often use telepathy as a language aid or a language itself for those with differently-abled bodies.   Telepathy (Master Level): Pegasi and Alicorns are able communicate by thought-speak.   Portal Generation and Closing: Unicorns have the ability to create and close portals on Earth.  

Pegasus-specific Powers

Gift of Flight: Alicorns and Pegasi have the ability to fly.  

Unicorn-specific Powers

Healing via Horn: The Horn of Unicorn is capable of healing others. It can cure damaged or withered organisms, wounds, and broken bones. They can cure someone with poison but diseases and organs go too far.   Water Purification via Horn: Unicorns can clean/purify water, cleansing it of any possible pollution and toxins. This ability only include lakes and below.   Telekinesis: This gift allows unicorns to move objects or to create using their horns.   Earth Purification: Nature Nymphs can purify the land rendering it safe for life and habitation for the purpose of farming or construction. Seasonal Fairies then can help grow crops.   Trees and Plants Manipulation: Unicorns are often known to help with the Winter to Spring to Summer to Fall changes.   Atmokinesis or Meteorokinesis: Known as Weather Control/Alteration or Weather Modification/Manipulation, Unicorns and Alicorns are able to manipulate the weather AKA meteorological phenomena. They are granted these Earth-related powers to help all Fairies and Nymphs. Unicorns have an innate connection to the Earth, enabling to shape and influence various weather patterns on both small and large scales. By exerting control over a wide array of weather, all Unicorns and Alicorns are able to help the ones and potentially affect ecosystems and climate. They can aid or hinder agricultural processes by controlling rainfall and sunlight, or they may mitigate natural disasters like droughts or forest fires. Furthermore, they can provide favorable weather conditions for safe travel. Ultimately, their powers can be harnessed for environmental protection, safeguarding communities from hurricanes, floods, or wildfires.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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