
  Unicorns are one-horned mystical animals. They’re originally from the forests of Western Europe. These creatures are pure and sacred. They symbolize the grace of royalty and purity of magic. A group of this species is called a grace or purity of unicorns.   As one species of Royal Carriage-pullers, they sometimes pull Royal Sleighs and Carriages. Often for Their Royal Majesties of Ancient Power.   These creatures are not inherently dangerous. They only show aggressiveness IF attacked on purpose. When they have babies, it is common that parents are more likely to overreact due to protective parenthood coming on strong. This may override their gentle nature.   These creatures prefer their freedom in the forests. Thought they sometimes can be seen near human settlements.   Their horns are used to heal and purify water. It is also quite valuable in certain potions as a horn is rare. Unicorn Horn is something that is given when asked unless you wish to anger the Spirit of Ancient Power, Collective Congress of Ancient Power, and the Unicorn Spirit itself. Unicorns are led by The Wisest and Greatest Unicorn Lord or Lady.  

Human-Unicorn Relations

Historical records are bare on information, if mentioned at all, in the relationship between Unicorns and Humans.   There are a few things we know.   Unicorns have never been used as slaves to humans. However, they observed humans weren’t always kind and gentle leading them to roam the forested areas and rarely come into towns and on roads. Unicorns are also shy.   This species has never been seen pulling human carriages. On occasion, they have pulled carriages owned by the mystical world.   If humans were thinking of using them, Unicorns are usually willing to pull carriages or sleighs. Respect, kindness, and goodness in the heart are required before Unicorns are willing to do so.  

Magical Powers

Background General Powers

The Gift of Immortality: This gift allows all Unicorns to live forever.   Omnilingualism/All-Tongue: Unicorns areto be able to speak, understand and communicate in any language. They often use telepathy as a language aid or a language itself for those with differently-abled bodies.   Teleportation (Magiportation) (Master Level): Unicorns are capable of teleporting on a planetary scale, moving anywhere on the planet.   Telepathy (Master Level): Unicorns are able communicate by thought-speak.   Portal Generation and Closing: Unicorns have the ability to create and close portals on Earth.  

Unicorn-specific Powers

Healing via Horn: The Horn of Unicorn is capable of healing others. It can cure damaged or withered organisms, wounds, and broken bones. They can cure someone with poison but diseases and organs go too far.   Water Purification via Horn: Unicorns can clean/purify water, cleansing it of any possible pollution and toxins. This ability only include lakes and below.   Telekinesis: This gift allows unicorns to move objects or to create using their horns.   Earth Purification: Nature Nymphs can purify the land rendering it safe for life and habitation for the purpose of farming or construction. Seasonal Fairies then can help grow crops.   Trees and Plants Manipulation: Unicorns are often known to help with the Winter to Spring to Summer to Fall changes.   Atmokinesis or Meteorokinesis: Known as Weather Control/Alteration or Weather Modification/Manipulation, Unicorns and Alicorns are able to manipulate the weather AKA meteorological phenomena. They are granted these Earth-related powers to help all Fairies and Nymphs. Unicorns have an innate connection to the Earth, enabling to shape and influence various weather patterns on both small and large scales. By exerting control over a wide array of weather, all Unicorns and Alicorns are able to help the ones and potentially affect ecosystems and climate. They can aid or hinder agricultural processes by controlling rainfall and sunlight, or they may mitigate natural disasters like droughts or forest fires. Furthermore, they can provide favorable weather conditions for safe travel. Ultimately, their powers can be harnessed for environmental protection, safeguarding communities from hurricanes, floods, or wildfires.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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