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Grand Kingdom of Orlessia

The oldest kingdom in the world, where elves and humans stand together


Orlessia is the oldest continuous nation within the world. There have one of the most complicated structures of nobility within the world, with most nobles falling into one of three classes in the all citizens falling in the one of 20 Tuaths. Each of the Tuaths was one of the original 20 tribes that came together to found Orlessia. The Tuaths one is in is based solely on their ancestry, and whichever the majority of their fourth generation ancestors come from. This is always decided on an individual basis and never on a family basis although most families fall into one of them in the majority of the time. The three classes of nobility are based on if your family is part of the military, the Estates, or Elven decent. Each of these has significant importance to Orlessia.  


  All of the Solder of Orlessia are full-time and take a fief or a set of fiefs as their pay for fighting for the Kingdom. There are set up to have their overland is the officer there are under. There are nine peal people under all but the lowest of their soldiers. The legions of the kingdom like to call themselves Orders or Knightly Orders.   Knight - Knights are the base solder of Orlessiaa’s fighting forces. There is all some dash set of equipment. That being he should’ve had called before play on the sturdy and durable shield sometimes Enhanced with magic. Oh electrical belt to increase the strength or speed. Can you keep open resist spells. As well as whatever recalling is necessary for the specialist role that they perform those. All of the knights are considered one of the following specialists with those being: Bullier, Crossbower, Man-at-Arms, Horse Archer, Lancer, and Drake Rider. All of the Knights get one fief of at least 1000 acres, with the knights that need more specialized equipment getting another to help with the cost needed to maintain them.   Sergeant - There are intimate of a lance of Knights. Every knight within their lance is of the same specialization as themselves. There are often give an additional fief for their duties for seeing that to their Knights and the like.   Lieutenant - The they are the highest rank that someone can reach through the only knighthood. There are battlefield commanders are have a drake so that there can more easily observe the battle, and direct their lances. There have nine lances under them, and their lances are often grouped into three that all have the same specialization, also known as a file. All nine of their lances form a column. They get three additional fiefs to help all of the drakes and messages there need to keep in their service.   Captain - They are the head of an Order. Unlike others in the army they are an Estate noble, some of them have the training to be a Knight, but most others only have a basic understanding of how to fight. They do have extensive training in battlefield tactics, and other things needed in order to run an army.  

Estate Noble

  The estate nobles mostly fall into one of around a hundred or two Estates or Houses. To the Estate Nobles, what matters most to them is the notoriety of their houses and the titles that their households, not the titles that they themselves hold. The titles are listed below, but are not necessarily a measure of ranking, as one's house is more of a ranking than one's personal titles. Instead, titles refer only to the amount of land you own and one's rank in the feudal society.   Duke/Duchess - One who rules over a Dukedom and reports to the Ard Ri.   Marquis/Marquess - One who rules over a Marquisate and reports to a Duke or Duchess.   Count/Countess - One who rules over a County and reports to a Marquis or Marquess.   Viscount/Viscountess - One who rules over a Viscounty and reports to a Count or Countess.   Baron/Baroness - One who rules over a Barony and reports to a Viscount or Viscountess.   Lord/Lady - One who rules over villages and towns and reports to a Baron or Baroness. Also refers to unlanded nobles of families.   Patrizio/Patrizia - A title given to normal citizens of the kingdom with distant ties to nobility.   Additionally, the houses of Orlessia are organized into several loose categories which less as hard rankings and more as loose terms used to refer to them and socially categorize them. Everyone within the Estate knows what each of the house's rank. A member of a house can see the diffidence being part of a higher or lower can home on things like Marriage options and the events they are part of.   Great House - Only ever a couple dozen at the most. They more or less run the politics of Orlessia. They hold the most amount of titles and prestige, and have been around for at least a hundred years, and tend to not change hands too much unless they make huge mistakes or lose favor with the crown. Each of the Great House has at least an Order of Knights. There often have about haft of all of the Wealth within the Kingdom. There are the true powers within Orlessia.   House - There are the ones how are set are only every have two or three major titles, and about a couple of dozen minor titles within their house. There may have an Order of knights, but will at least be sponsoring several dozen. Most of the House are of this Rank there have the power to set but can follow do to a Lower House or doing something that makes this lest there favor at court with the great house.   Lesser House - Codified by those are families who are trying to start their own houses that are currently smaller than usual. Up and coming houses, that only have a major title or all of the minor titles for a major title. They are willing to make the biggest Gimbels in order to make a name for their House. For there often have that little too lost and everything to gain.   Minor House - Houses on the decline that barely exist. Generally speaking, a family that only holds one or two titles, and will do everything to try and keep up their appearance as a true House. often driving themselves to bankruptcy.  

Elven Descent

  Those of Elven descent do not have specific ranks, and instead simply hold positions of power in government that are specific to those of their ilk that cannot be held by others. They tend to pass down from generation to generation. There are things like The Ari Ri, The King's Mage, and the like.


The People of Orlessia are ones of the betterment of all under their Rule, magic has endless uses, the right of laws, a hatred of orc and catfolk, the right of body, the right of mind, and one's duty to their community.
  • The Orlession Government tries to better everyone within the kingdom and tries to offer the same opportunity to some class of people. Things like having everyone from the ages of 5 to 16 going to the same schools and giving everyone some Skeletons to help manly labor. 
  • There is a large number of magic use within the kingdom, so there try to push the limits of magic all of the time at almost nothing off-limits and no cost to high. 
  • The Laws of the land are older this most of the Elves that live in Orlessia. The People see the age of a law as something that helps justified the core of the law. Everyone within Orlessia has the right of law and fair treatment under the law.
  • The Right of Body, is the idea that one has the right to do as there wist with their body. Like modifying themself, having sex, selling themself, get an abortion, the right to fight, etc. The Right of Mind is the some but for what one it thanking and speaking.
  • Everyone has an eternal duty to their community, most will do their best to help out others within their community, every after death one body will for every work the fields.
  • Orcs and Catfolk are seen as nothing more than a parasite. And are killed on seen or use until there are dea

Demography and Population

The population of Orlessia is a Majority Human and Half-Elf with a larger  Minority of Elf. Just about an individual of any rave, but Half-Orc, Orc, and Catfolk, within the large cites of Orlessia.


There control all of the Heartlands and some of the surrounding territories in the Wild Steppes and the Jadelands.


They have a professional and full-time military, and are the only nation known to have such.


The Orlession follows the teachings of the Paths of Life . The Path is less of a set of gods and custody, and more of a sat guidelines that are used to help follow on their path of life. The Path has some pulling within the Kingdom, and do not like the reliance on magic that the kingdom and world have. The Red rode claims of the Paths are know for being of the Kingdom, and being one of the more extreme sects of the Path that is out there.

Foreign Relations

There have a trade agreements with all of the Brothers Kingdom, and The Golden Empire. There have an agreements with all Goliath on there norths border, to use them as fighters for stock and hard to get  greens.

Agriculture & Industry

Orlessia has a solid base for everything within their Kingdom, and there do not need must outside of it. with most of their people having full-time crafts that help keep everything running/ Orlessia tries not to get too must for outsiders.

Trade & Transport

Orlessia has the Base network of roads within the World. It is sind you can get any within the Kingdom within 14 days.


That have a standardized education system, in that every child of age 5 to age 16 attends standard schooling for six months out of the year, three months at a time during winter and summer.

Glory in Magic, Life of the Paths

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Orlessia, The Orlession Empire, The Lost Empire, The Fallen Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Gilded Script
Major Exports
Major Imports
High Value Good
Legislative Body
The Elven Nobility
Judicial Body
The Estate Nobility
Official State Religion
Official Languages

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