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Dorian Havik

Born to a noblewoman with arcane training and the rogue she absconded with, Dorian grew up constantly moving place to place, always staying just one step ahead of the bounty hunters still looking to cash in on the outstanding warrants. His father taught him how to fight with a blade, while his mother taught him how to channel the innate magical gifts he inherited from somewhere way back in his bloodline to cast spells.   Eventually, the Havik's settled in a small, remote village, where they believed they'd be safe from those who would do them ill. While Dorian's father never was caught, he was eventually undone by a mysterious illness. Leaving Dorian to care for his mother and two younger siblings. Not long after, strife came to their village. A roving band of orcs forced the family to flee. Their only chance of refuge was the city where Dorian's mother was born, Crucible. After a grueling journey, the Havik's found there was nothing left of the noble family, their wealth having been lost and squandered by Dorian's drunkard of an uncle.   And so the Havik's started again from the bottom, living in the slums with the other outcasts and ne'er-do-wells. His sister, Gemma joined up with the The Lunar Forum, having shown a strong aptitude for arcane spellcasting at an early age. Dorian and his brother Cameron joined with a small mercenary band called the Iron Hand that brought them decent enough coin hunting down small time thieves and other criminals, before Cameron took vows and joined the fKnights of the Order of the Spiral. In the years that followed, the Haviks made their way back into the good graces of society, though they never forgot where they came from.   Unfortunately, the simple times couldn't last. Dorian's mother eventually became a small magistrate within the city and was very vocal against the Crown's more draconian policies and pushed for change and reform. Despite her relatively low station, she managed to make enemies, and she paid the price for it. Officially, her death was ruled as an unfortunate accident, but Dorian always suspected that it was a deliberate hit. Thus began a long, slowly simmering feud between Dorian Havik and the rulers of Crucible.   Despite this, the Haviks enjoyed a relatively predictable life until The Day of Long Shadows when the same orcs that forced them to flee their old village returned explosively into their lives in the company of a veritable army of giants. The huge force managed to smash through the city's walls while the bulk of Crucible's garrison was occupied with a parade in the honor of the newly coronated King Snowthorne happening in the inner city. All seemed lost until Dorian rallied a resistance with his mercenary band and killed the leader of the raid, Lazaros "Warbringer" Inulethai in single combat, granting him great respect amongst the lords, who rewarded him and his family with new titles, land, and wealth.   Dorian used his newfound station to cause all sorts of trouble, fighting for the downtrodden and the outcasts. This eventually led to an explosive confrontation with King Snowthorne, who sought a scapegoat for his failings on the Day of Long Shadow, and found one in the half-orcs and other "lesser" people who lived in the outer city. Snowthorne enacted mass arrests as punishment for the crime of "sabotage and aiding an enemy state," which Dorian resisted fiercely. He rallied the oppressed into a militia and made an attempt on the Palace of Chronicles itself, taking the garrison by surprise. The crown had to resort to duplicitous means to get Dorian to back off; taking is siblings Gemma and Cameron hostage and ultimately forcing Dorian to retreat.   But this was only the spark that would ignite the movement that came to be known as The Dragon's Fangs. Dorian left Crucible with those he had gathered and spent the next several years earning himself the reputation as the "Dragon of the North," and his soldiers his "Fangs."   While Dorian's movement proved popular with the lower class of Crucible, with whom he found many allies, the Fangs didn't become a true force to be reckoned with until it came to light that Dorian could trace his bloodline back to the great Tron Renaren, the original warrior King who reclaimed Crucible from the elves. From there, the battle between the Fangs and Crucible's army was akin to an all out war, one that would eventually tip in the favor of Dorian and see him crowned ruler of the city. This was in no small part thanks to the aid of an adventuring party that had an old Fang numbered among them: Mr. Buttons, a tabaxi monk and personal friend of Dorian's. The party aided Dorian in infiltrating The Palace of Chronicles with a small number of his most trusted followers and challenging King Snowthorne for the right to rule. Dorian and the party ultimately defeated Snowthorne's champion, and he has sat on the throne as Renaren's heir ever since.   As King, Dorian proved to be a shrewd politician and adept and following through on his promises to his supporters as well as appeasing most of those who had amicable deals with the previous regent. However, plenty of the nobility still resented Dorian for his upsetting of the status quo and quietly made moves against him, ranging from slander and sabotage within the city to funding and supplying roving hobgoblin bands without it. But Dorian proved more than willing to play dirty in response; most notably, he has kept up the Crown's arrangements with The House of Phantoms, a shadowy league of assassins and thieves. Indeed, some even quietly wondered if Dorian's ties to the Renaren bloodline were fabricated to illicit stronger support among the nobility and provide legitimacy to his personal grudge against Snowthorne.   Despite this, Dorian proved to be well-loved and respected King. He was the one who spearheaded the movement to unite the surrounding kingdoms of Horizon to present a united front against a rapidly changing world. As of 1590, the United Northern Realms still stand strong; still guided by Havik's blood.
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1178 1281 103 years old
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