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Michael Ward

The current leader of the Archangels. He was made the leader as he was the highest ranking out of the only three Archangels that survived the mothership destruction, or operation Rapture. He discovered, and named the mechanon Archon. His service is not nearly as long, or successful as that of Mason Lewis, but he also has only been an Archangel for about half as long. Everyone around him believes he will be as great, if not greater.

Physical Description

Body Features

Under his uniform, he is covered in scars that each mark a battle against his greatest enemy. He has an overall feel that shows he has a troubled past. When you see him walk, he has a since of anger that cannot be hidden.

Facial Features

sharp, strong features make up the face of a warrior. He always keeps his hair combed to the left. Under his chin is a scar from shrapnel that grazed him while the mechanon struck at Safe Zone 2.

Specialized Equipment

His favored titan is the NA-T27, as its overall firepower is just what he desires to decimate his foe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born in Safe Zone 2, and first worked as a water filtration worker. He had heard rumors of an offensive op against the mechanon, and how it could cause a retaliation. He thought nothing of it for a while. One day, he was on his way to work, when he saw the retaliation from the mechanon unfold. He performed a U-turn and sped his way toward his house. When he arrived, he saw only a burning crater, and the corpses of his wife, and child on its edge. He applied to become an Archangel the next day, and was valedictorian of his training unit. His desire for vengeance alone drove him to watch the aliens burn. He served with ruthless efficiency from the beginning. Going so far as to take down several Mechanon Battlesuits singlehandedly.   His greatest instance of satisfaction was Operation Rapture. He was vital in the destruction of the mechanon mothership. After that, he became the leader of the Archangels. Now, he is at the forefront of the rebuilding of Humanity.


He had a loving wife, and child. Joseph was his son's name. Summer was his wife. He loved them, and cared for them. It all was taken away in one instant.


He is a very intelligent man. His problem-solving ability is beyond all other Archangels. His greatest instance of problem solving was the day he launched his first offensive operation. He was assaulting a mechanon operating base. He, and his lance mates ran out of ammo before he could destroy the base. His solution was to gather the aliens' Element Zero cores, and attach them to a mechanon explosive weapon. A well placed shot from his handgun reduced the base to a crater.


He spent the beginning of his adult life as a water filtration worker. It paid well enough to support his family well. Once that all was taken from him, he volunteered to become and Archangel. He has served the safe zones in this way ever since.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He led the first publicly known offensive operation with no casualties. He survived several engagements with the alien threat. He was vital in the destruction of the alien mothership, and now leads the Archangels forces toward another victory against a coming second wave.

Failures & Embarrassments

He could not get to his family quick enough to save them.

Mental Trauma

"Dear God, I've failed in my task as a father. What can I do now. All I've ever done since is kill, but killing can only go so far. If there is another way, let me know please."

Personality Characteristics


Vengeance drives him to destroy the alien forces. Every chance he gets, he will exact sweet revenge for the loss of his family. Though at his heart he knows it is wrong to seek revenge, his pain comes with an irresistible temptation for destruction.

Virtues & Personality perks

if you are one of his lance, or squad mates, he would fight every single alien at once to guarantee you make it home to your family in the same way he was unable to.

Vices & Personality flaws

His desire for vengeance is a temptation that he too often gives in to.


Religious Views

He knows the Lord, and Savior, and is as faithful as he can be. He knows that he gives in to vengeful temptation, and that it is wrong, and he looks to them for guidance.


When he speaks, people notice, and they listen. His voice is powerful, and you can tell that his mind is plagued with regrets and anger.
Current Status
Aiding humanity in rebuilding.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
June 6th, 2631
Year of Birth
2611 A.D. 36 Years old
Dark blonde, shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lbs.
Christian (Protestant)

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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