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One of the most recent titan architypes. The NA-T27, (or Thunderhead) uses weapons like thunder. Its offensive capabilities are beyond all other titans. The manufacturer, Nathan Armories takes pride in the sheer power that lies within its titanium shell. While some doubt it, Nathan Armories claims to be in the works of something bigger.

Power Generation

Like all titans, this one uses a miniature nuclear reactor to power itself. However, Nathan Armories claims that they are in the works of a new, safer way to power the titans. However, they have not given any hint at what this new system is.


Hydraulics lie in every joint. Jump jets are mounted on the back.

Weapons & Armament

The NA-T27 is armed with two medium beam cannons, and one heavy beam cannon, each located on its chest. A medium repeating cannon is placed in its right hand, and a five-shot anti-infantry missile launcher on its left shoulder. The medium beam cannons make up the majority of its firepower, able to knock down a mechrion battlesuit's energy shielding in a single volley. However, a more recent variant has enabled a modular weapons system, and has enabled more flexible weapon positioning, to include the shoulders, and hips.

Armor and defense

An entire twelve inches of titanium plating protects the titan, and the titanmaster within. However, there is little protection for the joints, and there is no point defense against explosive projectile weapons.

Communication Tools & Systems

It uses a standard radio system to communicate.


It is fitted with all the standard issue titan sensory equipment. Radar, sonar, and infrared camera systems. However, it has something that other titans don't: radio tracking. This allows the titanmaster to pinpoint the location of his lance, and all enemy contacts. The Cockpit lies in the torso. The "head" is merely a hub for optics, and sensors, and serves to give the pilot a point of view they are familiar with.
HAU (Heavy Assault Unit)
Creation Date
June 2640
750,000,000 GC
They are a new weapon, and few exist. Only one hundred are in service as of today, but more will be made soon.
~27 feet
70 tons
20 MPH
Complement / Crew
1 titanmaster is required to operate this machine.


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