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One of the first, and best Sniper Titans to roll off the assembly line. Experimenting with a similar ability to many Command Titans, being the ability to hold weapons in its hands. Many believe this to be the reason why this sniper titan is so effective, its ability to move the weapon independent from the rest of the titan.

Power Generation

Like most titans, the T20S requires a pre-golden age nuclear reactor. Since Sniper Titans are often lighter than other variants, the reactor can be even smaller, allowing for a slimmer body. The slimmer body makes it easier for the titan to hold its weapons.

Weapons & Armament

The T20S's integrated weapons are relatively few. Two single-shot anti-infantry missile pods, and two small beam cannons are all the titan comes with. However, those are not this machine's only offensive capability. It is designed specifically to hold its weapons in its hands. This allows this particular Sniper Titan to be much more, as its combat role can vary based on the weapon it carries. This alone makes it the most versatile of any non-Command Titan. This also has stirred up some debate as to classifying this titan as a Sniper Titan, or something else. The only problem with changing its classification is the fact that it is slightly too small to be classified as a Command Titan, and too large to be a scout titan. To this day, the debate continues, though it is the least of humanity's concerns.

Armor and defense

The armor on most Sniper Titans is rather light. Not as light as the Scout Titans, but not as light as the Command Titans either. Only six inches of titanium plating lie between the Archangel, and the alien weapons.

Communication Tools & Systems

Like all titans, the T20S uses a standard AM radio to communicate with fellow Archangels


Being a slightly older model, the T20S is only outfitted with sonar, and radar tracking.
HSU (Heavy Sniper Unit)
Creation Date
Built in November, 2624
All titans makes and models are few, with many Archangels often sharing a titan. Only about five hundred of these machines are in service today.
25 feet
50 tons
35 MPH
Complement / Crew
One Archangel Titanmaster is required to operate this titan.


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