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Titanic machines of war, used by the Archangels. Most stand fifteen, to twenty-five feet tall, and is armed with enough weapons to level a city block. The thought behind its invention is to fight fire with fire. To destroy machine, one must become machine. The pilots are called Titanmasters. Each titan is piloted using a neural link between man, and machine, similar to pre- golden age fighter jets. Element Zero is all but non-existent. As such, each, and every titan is extremely expensive, and hard to make. Each one costing 700,000,000 GC on average. The weapons very from cannons, to lasers of every shape, and size. Some CQB units will often bring titan sized swords to a battle. Jump jets mounted on the backs of each titan allow them to traverse steep, and uneven terrain.

Power Generation

Since Element Zero is no longer a common resource, each titan is powered by a small nuclear generator. Should a melt down ever occur, Anti-radiation materials are injected directly into the reactor core. The resulting blast is vented through vents in the top of the titan. Damage to the city, and potential casualties are still a threat should this occur, but these countermeasures greatly reduce the threat.


The legs of these machines use advanced hydraulic systems designed to work with speed, and strength. The neural link tells the systems when, and how hard to extend, or retract. Jump jets are mounted on the titan's backs to allow them to traverse steep, or uneven terrain. They do not allow flight but do grant substantial airtime.

Weapons & Armament

The weapons of the titans are a wide variety. Tank cannon, machine guns, high power lasers, repeating lasers, some more recent models of titan even have a railgun mounted on the shoulder.

Armor and defense

The titans are extremely resilient machines. Armor up to ten inches thick. The basic armor plating is titanium, Some of the lighter titans built for speed will have only a little armor in exchange for said speed. Some of the CQB designed titans will carry a shield along with any other weapons.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Titans use a standard radio communication system like that of pre-golden age telecommunication devices.


The titans us a sonar, radar, and an infra-red camera system to get a full picture of what surrounds them in great detail. All incoming data is put onto the cockpit's HUD.

Hangars & docked vessels

The titan hangers in the safe zones are extremely large structures, as they must hold the titans, and the titan dropships. The dropships hold the titans using large magnets. This allows for fast drops, and evacs, as the titans don't have to take time to enter, or exit the vehicle.
MAU (Mechanized Assault Unit)
Creation Date
Built in June, 2591
700,000,00 GC
Titans are a common sight in the safe zones, as every Archangel is not permitted to start a mission without one, even if that mission is just to boost the morale of the people.
15-25 feet depending on class
10-20 tons feet depending on class
25-65 MPH feet depending on class
Complement / Crew
Each titan has one pilot. Only the biggest require two. The second pilot is a gunner most of the time, and doesn't assist in the titan's movement.


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