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One of the heaviest titans ever to exist. Weighing nearly ninety tons, with an entire fourteen inches of titanium plating between the titanmaster, and the alien beam weapons. The only ones to ever fallen while piloting this machine was those who fell during operation Rapture.

Power Generation

Its size means it requires a miniature nuclear reactor designed for a larger titan.


Some of the strongest hydraulics, and servomotors are required to put the machine in motion.

Weapons & Armament

Its weapons are comparable to the armor, using four heavy cannons, and two beam cannons as its primary armaments.

Armor and defense

It is the single sturdiest titan to ever exist. An entire fourteen inches of titanium protect the titanmaster within. Its arms are intended to be used as shields when not firing the weapons mounted on them.

Communication Tools & Systems

It uses a standard radio system to communicate.


It has the standard sonar, and radar systems to map out its surroundings. A camera mounted on the front of the machine shows the pilot what is in front of them.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Like all titans, it uses a pre-golden age neural link to enable precise control by the titanmaster, allowing the titanmaster to move the titan as if it were his, or her own body.
HAU (Heavy Assault Unit)
Creation Date
December, 2634
It is a rather pricy machine, costing an upwards of 765,000,000 GC
The are a rare sight because they require so many resources to manufacture.
~25 feet
90 tons
25 mph
Complement / Crew
One titanmaster is required to pilot this machine


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