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Charles Jefferson

One of the older Archangel titanmasters, though not the highest in rank. His service is longer because of his gifted mind regarding tactics. He was one of the surviving three involved in operation Rapture. He favors the H&A-T25 as his method of fighting the alien threat.

Physical Description

Body Features

A single scar running across his chest marks the day he lost everything to emotion. His musculature, while it may not look like a lot, makes him deceptively strong. This is because his mussel mass is denser than most other men's.

Facial Features

A chiseled jaw, and rugged face reflects his time spent with the Archangels. He lets his facial hair grow to conceal most of the marks that come with age.

Identifying Characteristics

Most people know him by his beard. While among civilians it is nothing special, among military officials, it is ner unheard of to let ones facial hair to grow longer than an eighth of an inch. He is allowed to do so because he knows Commander Mason Lewis on a personal level.

Specialized Equipment

He favors the H&A-T25. Its heavy armor gives him the time he needs to formulate any new plans that may be needed on the battlefield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The day he was old enough, he enlisted in the Archangels Mechanized Infantry Corps. He didn't care about how fast he could climb the ranks, he only cared about protecting his home, and living to see what a world without the aliens would be like. Early on in his service, he found love. A woman that shared many of the same views he had. He became a unit leader about five years after he enlisted. His first mission as a unit leader was to repel mechanon ground forces just outside the walls of Safe Zone 1. His squad dropped, and fought well. However, they were overrun. The one e loved died on that mission, and it got to him. He let his entire lance die because he couldn't give the orders they needed.   After the event, he was demoted to Corporal. He would no longer let his emotions get to him. And so, he made sure to feel as little emotion as possible. Recently, he survived operation Rapture, and pushed the aliens off of our world for a while. Now, he is aiding in the massive rebuilding effort of humanity. This rebuilding will last several generations before humanity can reenter its golden age.


He had one love. He blames himself for her demise, and has never loved since.


He is a brilliant man when it comes to tactics. He was a major part in formulating the plan for operation Rapture, and has only ever lost one battle.


For his entire adult life, he has been an Archangel. He does not intend to stray from that path, ever.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was one of the Archangels that was involved in the first publicly known offensive strike against the aliens. He helped formulate the plan that destroyed the alien mothership. He was one of the surviving three for that same operation.

Failures & Embarrassments

The one time he let his emotions take over, it cost him the one thing he loved most.

Mental Trauma

"Dammit! I slip up, and studder for one single moment, and it cost me everything. I cannot let that happen again! I cannot let emotion win! Emotion is the enemy of true logic, and it costs lives on the battlefield. Never again."

Morality & Philosophy

Emotion is the enemy to Charles. To him, it defies logic, and costs lives. He tries to teach his squad leader, Michael Ward this, but he doesn't listen. When Michael's emotions do cause him to freeze, he won't wait for orders, and die like Charles' men did.

Personality Characteristics


He seeks to push the aliens off our world, and live long enough to see an alien-free world.
Current Status
Aiding in the rebuilding of humanity.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
4th of February, 2603
Year of Birth
2603 A.D. 44 Years old
Grey, squinty
Short brown, swept back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light peach, near pale
200 lbs. muscular
Owned Vehicles
Christian (Catholic)

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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