Fort Zoon

Fort Zoon is mainly a staging ground and crossroads for adventurers, sellswords, scholars and anyone else who might want to make the trek into the Melqwan Jungle. It is rife with traders and merchants trying to peddle goods to the passing folk, knowing full well they probably will not see them again. This has lead to a lax judgement of character in the Fort, with the authorities having given up on trying to push out the snake oil salesmen who have now planted their roots in Fort Zoon.   If asked, the guards will amply warn anyone to keep a wary eye for the merchants, and recommend the scarce few reliable ones. However, they are tired of actively trying to warn anyone who just goes off to ignore them anyways.   When the occasional successful adventurer does come back, they usually come bearing many a new magical item. Those same shady dealers will swarm these adventurers trying to rip them off and if that does not work, they will follow them down the roads and take them off of their corpse.    Fort Zoon is also home to a handful of trained rugged sellswords who are willing to offer their services as a guide, for an expensive price.
Military, Base
Location under