
Legend is that Zanzibar is near the location of where the original astral meteor struck that forever changed the Island of Solmania. This would make sense, as from its inception, those born in the city have been incredibly more likely to inherent or learn some form of magical prowess. Even those plane-touched (Genasi, Aasimar, or Tiefling) have also been born in greater number in this inherently magical city.   The city itself lines the coast of a well protected bay, and has long been a haven for practitioners of magic and the arcane arts. Zanzinbar is also notoriously secular. That is not to say that there are not temples dedicated to the various gods within the city, but just that their influence holds almost little to no sway over how the city is governed. This mostly stems from the pure arcane energy that has given the city most of its protection in times of old. It also stems from the wrath of more relgiously inclined civilizations viewing the Island of Solmania as a particular target for crusades. This has however allowed certain religious sects and organizations to form without the heavy influence of other religious institutions. This includes a sect of followers of Kelemvor, The Judge, known as the nameless. They are by far the most well known assassin's guild in the entire known world, and the price paid to hire them is rarely made in gold.     The city lies on the cliffs lining the nearby bay, and is protected by a series of arcane barriers and protection spells. The city itself is majestic and filled with schools of learning, magical shops, and all manner of magically inclined structures. Most of the outer neighborhoods are dedicated to housing the city's population, while the inner rings mostly server as mercantile districts. Religious temples here are modest, and mostly located near the very outskirts of the city.   The city has long been ruled by a philosopher king elven mage known as Thanduril Valian. She is not seen very often by the people, but her rule is known around the city through the Bastion, an enforcement arm that polices the city.
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