
Mbaya is by far one of the most culturally diverse and eclectic societies in all of Ardicil. One of the few "civilized" towns to maintain a relationship with Port Togruta to an extent. Mbaya is made up of mostly wandering refugees and exiles seeking either religious freedom or the freedom or freedom from their oppressive governments.   This is one reason why, even though it is frowned upon, some worshipers of those evil deities have found shelter in Mbaya. So long as they keep to the laws of the land, and do not harm other residents of the town, they are welcome.   There is a prominent market here indeed for cursed items and those magical objects of a darker descent. In fact, there is a great wealth of knowledge in Mbaya for those looking to learn more about the darker gods without any judgement. This also leads to the debaucheries of the town being ignored to some extent by the higher authorities.   Mbaya is ruled by a small council of sorts, made up of the wealthiest merchants in the town. They do pay protection money to Zanzibar in order to provide some manner of protection from dangers that the town cannot handle by itself.
Large town
Location under