
Hexolatal and information regarding the details of the ancient Saurian city has been lost to history. It is the last bastion of the Saurian race, and its existence is a closely guarded secret by the enclave of Saurians who live there. It is warded by magics so ancient that even the Illuminated Assembly has been unable to pierce into the veil of Hexoatal.       Completely protected from any magic that expose them, the city is also deep within the Melqwan Jungle jungle itself. This acts as its own defense, as many who venture deep into the jungle barely make it out alive. Roving bands of Saurian patrols, ancient in age and honed in skill, make sure that anyone who gets too close to the city is dealt with. Should someone make it to the borders of the city itself, their presence will be noted and they will be dealt with.    The sheer power needed to power these arcane wards is great. The few remaining Slann mages reside here, the last of their kind, pulling energy from the meteor that formed the Island of Solmania. These great magi work tirelessly to keep their bastion hidden from both the prying eyes of the material plane, and the divine eyes of the gods. All the while, great Star Mage Tepec-Quex works tirelessly to search for the means to restore the Saurian race to the power they once maintained.
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