
A small mostly orcish settlement renowned for their hunters and skilled ocean navigators, Worog's reputation is infamous among the island of Solmania. Widely renowned for producing warriors who have battled the horrors of the jungle as well as the horrors of the ocean and come out victorious. They've not only survived, but thrived, holding festivals each year for those who can kill the most dangerous creature both on land, and in the ocean. This festival attracts all manner of adventurers, and all manner of wealthy investor who seeks to hire such capable fighters.     The town is a mish-mash of buildings on stilts as well as floating house boats that can be repurposed into the great hunting vessels used in times of old. Many of the denizens of the city are wanderers and travelers, who only spend a fraction of their time in the actual village itself. There are a good portion of hunters, mercenaries and sellswords who are willing to travel out to the oceans or deeper into the jungles for profit and treasure.
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