Luna Academy

The Luna Academy is home to one of the most dedicated magical schools on the entire continent of Varda. Established long ago by a pair of Dragons, the institution has long maintained a friendly relationship with the Musara Union , while still working independent of the government.   The school itself is located within the Pearlstreets, and is a series of buildings interspersed throughout the campus, each dedicated under the various different schools. The more popular schools include the schools of Archaeomancy, Numeromancy, and the School of Elemental Planes. Each school has a handful of deans and professors working to further the goals of their schools. Sometimes these can bubble out, creating competition through the Academy. They also maintain various different proxy locations all over the continent, including places of study in the Redstone Plateau , the Massassi Desert , Zorn Harbor , and even as far as Skophos.   Savian Ashgrove studied here, under the school of Umbrancy, with Naedan Wildguard as head of the department. The school of Umbrancy is one of the smallest schools, with only a handful of students and staff.
College / Academy
Parent Location