Musara Union

Long ago, after the fall of the Khermi empire, the Golden Coast was in disarray. Constantly warring between each other and lacking a direction after the fall of the unifying empire. Fasaryr harbor saw this power vaccum and began to see an oppurtunity to unite the disparate people of the Golden Coast. They were united in cause by a member of the Al-Farrarri ruling class in Fasaryr Harbor. They saw a chance to bring these people under a banner together, and a way to grow and prosper as equals and to protect themselves from the growing powers in both the West and the East.   The Musara Union was famously founded without bloodshed, and has since been ruled peacefully for several hundred years. Open shipping lanes and inviting tropical scenery have made the domain of the Musara Union a cultural melting pot and a popular place to live or visit. Knowing this, the respective marquises uphold a long tradition of welcoming all weary travelers and providing an atmosphere of color and delight. If there is gold to be spent, the concord is eager for you to spend it within their cities.   Each principality is ruled in its own right by a Sultan, appointed in their own right by the locals and customs of their own local populace. However, the Union maintains the ability to veto this ruler should they violate any of the treaties set in the governing documents of the Union when it was founded. Particularly radical and extreme leaders have been removed using these treaties on occasion, and very rarely have they challenged the will of the Union when it is enforced.   All of the Sultans are considered equal in most matters, but a mostly figurative head of power is given to the leader of Fasaryr Harbor, a title only used in times of great need to rally the various factions within the Golden Coast. The military arm of the Union is that of the Rumh Guard, a professional, well-trained, and handsomely paid force that both policies the internal cities and towns of the Union, as well as protecting the borders.
Political, Confederation
Head of State
Subsidiary Organizations

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