
The story of Jedha began with the festival of Candletide hundreds of years ago. On this particular day, the roving nomadic tribes of the Be'Teu people would meet at the current spot of Jedha and exchange stories, gifts, and word of the surrounding world. As the world became more and more connected, some of these tribes, starting with Clan Akaanir, decided to settle permanently in Jedha, and built up a community here. Using their druids to sow the ground with fertile soil, and taking the knowledge accumulated from dozens of tribes over hundreds of years, these former nomads turned what was just a small trading post and hub into a bustling town for all Be'Teu people all over Olorin.   These days the roving nomads still meet in Jedha on the day of Candletide, welcomed with open arms by the Be'Teu people who have settled the local area. Great feasts are held in the streets, and people are welcomed into the homes of the more settled people. When the festival is not around, the city operates as a robust and renowned trading hub for caravans and those who do their business over land. It is known for its spicy foods and its unique drinks, as well as a welcoming atmosphere of the Be'Teu.     The city also has a history of keeping its culture intact, despite efforts coming from both the north in Fasaryr Harbor and the south from the Lybaran Concord. Instead they have welcomed these customs into their own, allowing anyone to practice whatever they like within the town limits, so long as it does not cause pain or threaten the freedoms of others.   The Sultan here is chosen every year by the people in a festival culminating at the highsummer festival. The current sultan has ruled for over a decade, a former farmer and member of Clan Akaanir  who has regularly looked out for the interests of the common folk. People are worried this may be his last year though, and many are looking to weasel in on the power.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization